2020, Number 4
Perception of users of quality of care and education during the respiratory symptomatic recruitment
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 502.85 Kb.
Introduction: Tuberculosis, the world ninth leading cause of death in adults, first due to infectious diseases. Avoidable mortality with early diagnosis and timely treatment. Study motivated by limited awareness of respiratory symptomatics.Objective: To assess the perception of users of a healthcare institution in regards to the quality of care and self-care education during the Tuberculosis program.
Methods: A Qualitative study approach with elements from proven theory. Conducted at state-class healthcare institution. Participants: 96 consenting adults (70 respiratory symptoms, 26 accompanying relatives). Six focus groups were carried out during the recruitment process with two aprioristic categories: quality of care and self-care education. Information was recorded and transcribed. Utilizing Atlas Ti, open, axial and selective coding was performed and using constant comparisons and memos. The analysis was based on Dorothea Orem postulates.
Results: Quality of care: lack of comprehensive route of care and poor identification and risk information. Self-care education: ignorance of TB-related aspects and shortfalls of received education. Participants did not link respiratory symptoms to tuberculosis; this was stigmatized as a contagious and fatal disease. They considered it difficult to collect sample(s) for baciloscopy. Care limitations are evident by insufficient educational support.
Conclusions: User perception should be oriented towards promoting safe, accessible and humanized services for early detection and care of respiratory symptoms. Self-care education and greater interaction with users can improve institutional outcomes.
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