2020, Number 4
Models and theories for nursing care for the elderly from a nurse-patient-caregiver relationship dimension
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 475.27 Kb.
Introduction: the use of substantive knowledge for theory-based nursing is a characteristic quality of its practice. Beneficial to patients in that it guides nursing care in a systematic and scholarly way. However, the practice is riddled with multiple examples of detachment fromthetheory.Objective: to design a theoretical model for nursing care for the elderly.
Methods: qualitative study of grounded theory, carried out in Havana, during 2016. Three populations made up of 13 specialists, 15 nurses from geriatric services and 19 caregivers of older adults came together for this. From a non-probability sampling, the sample is precise and its size is determined by theoretical saturation. Which was made up of eight specialists, ten nurses from geriatric services and nine caregivers of older adults. In-depth interview and discourse analysis were carried out, which allowed the construction of the codifieparadigm.
Results: The importance of theoretical models that represent nursing practice according to the context in which they are developed is recognized. The need for caregiver involvement in nursing care for the elderly in collaborative and cooperative relationships.
Conclusions: The designed geriatric triangle model describes the nurse-patient-caregiver relationship in hospitalized services. The collaborative and cooperative relationships that exist between the nurse, the patient and the caregiver; they characterize the nursing care process in the care of the elderly, in hospitalized services.
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