2015, Number 8
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CuidArte 2015; 4 (8)
Vivencias de los adultos mayores en un grupo de activación física para mejorar su autocuidado
Godínez RMÁ, López SMG, Bernal BML, Solís CM, Lira CCP
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 25-32
PDF size: 405.34 Kb.
Introduction. Aging involves a series of
morphological, psychological, functional and
biochemical changes in humans, characterized
by progressive loss of adaptability and reserve
capacity of the organism to changes. Why support
groups in the health institutions are called upon
to create a cozy atmosphere, it has been shown to
belong to them favor new ties and social relations
to their members. Physical activity and coexistence
are factors that benefit the health of people, it has
been shown that these practices in older adults, has
several positive effects.
Objective: To interpret the
experiences of older adults in physical activation
program to enhance self-care.
Qualitative research with phenomenological
method, in-depth interviews were conducted at 5
Findings: emerged two analytical categories,
the first category: Healthcare Improvement two
subcategories 1.1 ease of physical movement and
motivation for self-care 1.2. The second category:
2. Social recognition with two subcategories: 2.1
the importance of communication 2.2 sense of
Conclusions: Self-care is an excellent
strategy for the group of older adults because they
recognize their own physical and mental abilities,
self-assessed as useful and active, exercise and
coexistence provided them physical but also
created emotional bonds and a marked coexistence
strengthened social relationships, according to
informants also contributed to an emotional being.
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