2015, Number 8
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CuidArte 2015; 4 (8)
Actitud hacia la investigación y logro escolar durante el aprendizaje de la estadística de estudiantes de enfermería
Trujillo JA
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 6-16
PDF size: 514.27 Kb.
The positive attitude towards researching
has been indicated by several authors as factor
key to obtain a school high-level achievement
learning of the Statistics, since it is a complex and
difficult discipline. Really with a positive attitude
is it possible to achieve a good learning of the
Statistics? The aim was to determine the magnitude
and sense in the relation between Attitude towards
the scientific researching and school Achievement
reached specifically in periodic evaluations brings
over of topics of descriptive Statistics and inferencial
in nursing students of a public university in Mexico.
Study observacional, longitudinally, cross sectional
and analytical of relational level. Ecological design
with three measurements for dependent (AL) and
three measurements for independent (ATRS). The
major puntaje obtained for both variables appeared
in final measurements while lowest were in the
intermediate ones. The initial correlation ATRSAL
was moderate magnitude and significant. The
analysis factorial of the dimensions that integrate
to instrument of measurement of the ATRS
demonstrated that the “ autonomy for the learning
“ it is the factor that influences to obtain better
AL. One concludes that fact that a student present
positive attitude for researching is not sufficient to
reach a high school achievement, since it depends in
mostly of his autonomy to learn.
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