2019, Number 2
Prevention and treatment of extravasation of intravenous chemotherapy
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 307.91 Kb.
Introduction: Intravenous cytostatic extravasation is a serious complication of treatment in cancer patients, which can cause serious tissue damage.Objective: To systematize the prevention and treatment measures to be taken by nursing professionals in case of extravasation of intravenous chemotherapy.
Methods: Systematic bibliographic review with content analysis of original and review documents published in Spanish and English in SciELO from 2009 to 2016, with the following keywords: extravasación [extravasation], quimioterapia [chemotherapy], medidas de prevención[prevention measures], tratamiento de extravasación[treatment of extravasation]. Articles that were useful for the development of the review were identified and consulted, as well as monographs of several updated journals and doctoral theses, which allowed the logical-historical analysis of the criteria that support prevention and treatment measures in the extravasation of intravenous chemotherapy.
Conclusions: The prevention of this complication has proven to be the best measure to avoid tissue damage; however, there are alternative treatments that nurses should know and apply quickly and efficiently.
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