2021, Number 3
Access to food and eating habits of young university, State of Mexico
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 36-45
PDF size: 387.84 Kb.
Introduction: Eating habits are acquired in the family environment and this has an important influence on the choice of food. Objective: To analyze the access of food and its influence on the eating habits of students at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Material and method: 300 university students were surveyed on food consumption, eating habits, anthropometric measures, and socio-cultural aspects. Visits were made to cafeterias and food shops to identify accessible foods in the university setting. A comparative analysis by sex of the anthropometric variables was performed using the z test and the relationship between food consumption and BMI values for normal weight and overweight was determined using a multifactorial analysis (MFA). Results: The access to food was very varied, being more consumed those not recommended for their practicality-cost ratio. Positive correlations were observed between dietary habits and BMI values (overweight and normal). Conclusions: Access to food influences the eating habits of students, the tendency to choose those not recommended for convenience and low cost; a positive correlation was found between the consumption of food recommended for normal body-mass index and food not recommended for overweight.REFERENCES
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