2020, Number 3
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2020; 31 (3)
Sarcopenia and related factors in women over 40 years
Fernández PBV, Domínguez AE, Vázquez IB, Acosta CA, Diaz SC, Navarro DDA
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 432.72 Kb.
Decreased muscle mass (sarcopenia) and decreased bone mass (osteopenia or osteoporosis) that occur with aging are associated with the increase of fragility and fractures, which affect quality of life and increase mortality. Reports on muscle mass are scarce in our field.
Identify the normal reference values of muscle mass in women in the reference area, the frequency of Sarcopenia with the use of the three parameters recommended by the European Consensus, the usefulness of the SARC-F Questionnaire (simple questionnaire for the diagnosis of Sarcopenia) and whether there is a relationship between muscle mass and insulin resistance.
Descriptive observational study. Muscle mass (bioimpedance and dual X-ray absorcimetry), strength (manual dynamometry) and muscle performance (battery SPPB (short physical performance battery) were determined in 88 women between 45-79 years old, with permanent residence in Plaza de la Revolution municipality (Vedado Polyclinic). The clinical variables were studied. The SARC-F questionnaire (A simple Questionnaire to Rapidly Diagnostic for Sarcopenia) was applied. The fasting blood glucose/insulinemic relation was determined. To determine reference values for decreased muscle mass, 17 healthy women between 40-44 years old were studied. Statistical analysis: Use of cross-tabulations, Kruskall Wallis Test, and Pearson Correlation to identify association between variables, value (p<0.05) X2 test.
Reference value for low muscle mass was <8.33 Kg/m2 per DXA and 15.36 Kg/m2 per bioimpedance. 18% of the group had some degree of sarcopenia that was associated with insulin resistance. The SARF-C questionnaire was not helpful.
The reference value for decreased muscle mass, the presence of sarcopenia and its relationship to insulin resistance were determined.
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