2021, Number 07
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2021; 89 (07)
Complications gynecological surgery in patients olders than 60 years
Vázquez-Rodríguez JG, del Ángel-García G, Santos HOC
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 540-548
PDF size: 206.52 Kb.
Objective: To identify complications of gynecologic surgery in patients older than
60 years.
Materiales and Methods: Observational, longitudinal, retrospective and descriptive
study of a case series of patients over 60 years of age with gynecological surgery
performed between 2015 and 2018 who resulted with complications of the operative
technique or medical complications that merited postoperative intensive care. Descriptive
statistics were used with SPSS version 20 software.
Results: 19 patients aged 71.52 ± 7.23 years were studied. Preoperative diagnoses:
pelvic statics disorders 6 of 19, noncancerous tumors 6 of 19, abscesses 5 of 19 and
postmenopausal uterine bleeding 2 of 19. Operative complications: hemorrhage n
= 7, sepsis n = 6, bladder injury n = 1, ureteral injury n = 1, hemorrhage with sepsis
n = 1. Medical complications: diabetic ketoacidosis n = 1, angina pectoris n = 1,
transient hypotension without shock n = 1). Intensive care unit complications: re-
sidual abscess n = 2, contained eventration n = 1, necrotizing fasciitis n = 1, infected
surgical wound n = 1.
Conclusion: The most frequent complications were those of the operative type followed
by those that emerged during the stay in critical care. The experience suggests
the convenience of caring for patients over 60 years of age in the postoperative period
of gynecologic surgery in an intensive care unit, particularly when there are severe
infectious processes or prolonged interventions with technical difficulties and bleeding.
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