2021, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2021; 63 (4)
Differentials in early childhood development by mother’s age, National Survey of Girls, Boys and Women 2015
Hubert C, Villalobos A, Armendares N, Vázquez-Salas A
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 509-520
PDF size: 262.16 Kb.
Objective. To determine under-5 children’s state of health,
well-being, Early Childhood Development (ECD) and its
association with mother age.
Materials and methods.
Using the National Survey of Girls, Boys and Women (ENIM,
in Spanish) 2015, we compared sociodemographic characteristics
and indicators of well-being, child development, nutrition,
health, and child protection by age of the mother. We adjusted
a logistic regression model to know the characteristics associated
with an appropriate early child development.
The children of adolescent mothers are less likely to have an
adequate ECD. Children with support for learning are about
three times more likely to develop properly, while being a boy
or having a mother with depressive symptomatology reduces
this likelihood.
Conclusions. It is important to design public
policies based on modifiable conditions focused on support
for learning, prevention and care of depressive symptoms to
reduce development risks and increase care for the children
of mothers in disadvantaged conditions.
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