2020, Number 4
Innovative teaching strategies and entrepreneurial attitude in Biotechnology and Chemistry university students
Language: Spanish
References: 32
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Introduction: Entrepreneurship is the attitude and aptitude that a subject takes to start a new project through ideas and opportunities, its efficient management allows equipping the university student with the necessary tools for its implementation.Objective: To evaluate the students' perception of the didactic strategies applied in the Chair of Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology and Chemistry careers of Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH).
Methods: An exploratory research was carried out with the participation of 50 Biotechnology and Chemistry students from the mentioned university, to whom an innovative didactic strategy was applied during the Entrepreneurship course, which was previously evaluated as relevant by a group of 13 experts. The perception of the students was evaluated through a questionnaire with 7 questions, which was applied at the end of the course and whose data were analyzed by applying descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: Most of the students rated the questions included in the questionnaire with the highest value of agreement. There are significant differences according to gender in the perception of the decrease in stress levels during class, changes in entrepreneurial attitude and the usefulness of the subject for future entrepreneurial development. Using the Spearman Rho test, interesting correlations were determined between the questions of the questionnaire, especially those related to the generation of a good learning environment, the reduction of stress levels in the class and teacher-student relationships.
Conclusions: The application of didactic-innovative strategies improves the impact that the Entrepreneurship course has on the entrepreneurial attitude formation of the student body.
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