2020, Number 4
Curricular design of the Analysis of Health Situation in medical studies
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction: The curricular reforms to the analysis of the health situation are oriented towards the formation of a general practitioner with transformative capacities for intervention in community health.Objective: To identify the management given to the content of the analysis of the health situation in selected curricular elements of the study plan C of medicine, perfected in 2010.
Methods: An exploratory pedagogical investigation was carried out to study plan C of the medical studies. Analytical-synthetic and historical-logical methods were used and content analysis of the Health Situation Analysis was made in 3 curricular elements: transcendence in professional functions and skills, treatment in curricular strategies and meters in the Public Health subject, with its representation in the study plan.
Results: In the twenty-one elements analyzed, out of the five professional functions, the Health Situation Analysis was explicit in 5 and implicit in 12. Concerning the forty application skills, it was explicit in 3 and implicit in 18, and it was included in the two curricular strategies. Regarding the Public Health subject, it employed 25.62% of the hours, and was explicit in 3 of its general objectives and implicit in the others. In the curriculum, the subject represented 5.42%; and the content of the Analysis of the Health Situation represented 1.39%.
Conclusions: The curricular elements analyzed revealed the reform to the content of the Analysis of the Health Situation was successful in reference to study plan C of the medical studies.
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