2020, Number 3
Dynamics of interactive health training for the analysis of the health situation in community intervention
Language: Spanish
References: 30
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Introduction: In the Public Health subject of the medical major, analysis of the health situation reaches its maximum curricular concretion.Objective: To evaluate the scientific-methodological relevance of the model for the dynamics of interactive health training for the analysis of the health situation in community intervention.
Methods: A pedagogical research was carried out at Ciego de Ávila School of Medical Sciences between September 2012 and June 2016. Theoretical methods were applied: historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, holistic-dialectical and hermeneutical-dialectical; together with empirical ones: expert criteria and socialization workshops.
Results: The model for the dynamics of interactive health training was proposed, from which a system of dialectical relations was revealed that ranged from configurations to the investigative-solving systematization of health problems as the systematizing axis of the dynamics. The internal consistency was adequate (α2=0.693 and α3=0.728) and expert concordance was highly significant (Kendall's W2=0.472 and W3=0.509, p=0). The specialists at the socialization workshops considered it pertinent.
Conclusions: The scientific-methodological relevance of the developed model was verified. From the systematizing axis of the dynamics, the analysis of the health situation was reconstructed in a co-transforming health cycle in an upward spiral together with research and for health resolution as its constituent steps.
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