2020, Number 3
Perspectives of medical professors and students about the implementation of curricular strategies
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Introduction: Curricular strategies are pedagogical approaches whose objectives do not depend on a single discipline or subject. Curricular strategies were incorporated into the medical major in 2010, for the C Perfeccionado [Upgraded C] Plan of Studies.Objective: To evaluate the implementation of curricular strategies in two schools from Havana Medical University during the 2018-2019 school year, based on the perspectives of students and professors.
Methods: Qualitative-evaluative study. Historical-logical and analytical-deductive methods were used, with an empirical stage, through surveys conducted on students and professors. The information was processed in SPSS V26 for Mac and positive criteria were considered when the referred frequency of implementation was “always” and “almost always".
Results: 39% of the professors failed to mention any strategy and 73% of the total sample identified the strategy for “English”. The professors reported the general implementation of curricular strategies with a positive frequency of 64.2%. However, the students believed the opposite, accounting for 67.6%. Only 9% (n=68) of the answers showed that actions for any of the curricular strategies were never carried out. 40% of the professors believed that methodological preparation needed to be increased.
Conclusions: Curricular strategies are little known by professors and students; however, both identified that, exceptionally, actions that responded to them were not carried out. The professors considered that curricular strategies were implemented with greater frequency than the one referred by the students, as well as that methodological preparation for their implementation should be increased.
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Rodríguez Neyra ME, Carrasco FMÁ. Metodología para la implementación de estrategia curricular de investigación e informática en la carrera de medicina. Correo Científico Médico de Holguín. 2017 [acceso 06/07/2019];20(2). Disponible en: Disponible en: https://www.medigraphic.com/cgi-bin/new/resumen.cgi?IDARTICULO=7254