2020, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Cirugía 2020; 59 (3)
Effective ultrasonography, monitoring the patient with acute abdominal pain and appendicitis presumptive diagnosis
Ricaurte GCA, Suárez LGJ, Bustamante VCB, Ramírez MLP, Bermúdez BJC, Suárez CFC
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 473.38 Kb.
This article is an extensive review of the different aspects of this pathology, acute appendicitis despite being the first cause of emergency abdominal surgery, the delay in diagnosis implies an increase in surgical interventions with perforated appendices and, therefore, an increase in morbidity and mortality.
To present the results of the efficacy of the use of ultrasonography associated with clinical and epidemiological characteristics in patients with acute abdominal pain due to appendicitis at the "popular" Medical Center Vinces-Ecuador.
A correlational, descriptive, Retrospective cohort study conducted for 7 months (January to July 2019), in which the study population included patients referred with acute abdominal pain diagnosed with appendicitis through the clinic and / or ultrasonography of the "popular" Vinces Medical Center, Ecuador. This population is constituted by 162 patients.
Of the 162 patients observed, 157 underwent surgery, an anatomopathological diagnosis of appendicitis in 130. The sensitivity of the ultrasound with criteria of certainty and suspicion was 96.7 %. The pilot random sample contained 162 participants out of a total of 180 patients, women (16.67 %) and men (83, 33 %).
it was shown that abdominal ultrasound is the effective diagnostic method of choice for this study because of its sensitivity and certainty, easy access and minimal cost, allowing adequate control and preventive monitoring of complications, even more so in cases, with symptoms. clinical and laboratory doubtful, in order to avoid possible complications and reduce economic costs during diagnosis.
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