2021, Number 3
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Aten Fam 2021; 28 (3)
Notes Near the Dying Person
Chenlo BR
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 221-224
PDF size: 124.41 Kb.
This work arises during the stay in a palliative care (PC) unit as part of the residency plan in Family
and Community Medicine. Through two patients, with very different vital attitudes, it is analyzed
death, that crucial moment in our medical work. It is surprising how sympathetic we are to the death
of people who are not part of our lives and how difficult it is to understand it when it approaches
our world or ourselves.
In this research, it was reviewed Freud’s work and other authors’ who, from their profession,
have approached the study of death, in an attempt to understand what happens at the level of
experience to the patient and his or her relatives, as well as health personnel. What can be behind
this apparent understanding? It is part of our job to accompany the patient in these circumstances.
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