2021, Number 2
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Rev CONAMED 2021; 26 (2)
Medical malpractice. Medical-legal case and opinion
García GI
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 68-81
PDF size: 156.20 Kb.
Introduction: A patient goes to a doctor/hospital requesting medical attention, hoping that the practitioner will use her knowledge and skill in the most appropriate way; and the doctor must inform the patient and family about the patient's condition, their management and possible complications that may arise and whether or not they have the specialty to carry out their study and treatment; in addition, to foresee that the medical unit has the human resources and infrastructure for the management of complications that ensure optimal care. The objective of this article is: to present a Medico-legal case and the opinion made by the author on irregularities in medical care and in the integration of the procedures of: Informed Consent, Clinical File and Delegation of functions and the possible professional and legal consequences for an accusation.
Conclusion: The loss of prestige caused by a medical malpractice deteriorates the exercise of this profession. Therefore, it is important that medical students and physicians know medico-legal cases that serve as feedback to prevent acts or omissions that may be determined by the authority as illegitimate and learn to handle conflicts and resolve them properly and not in the way the doctors acted in the case exposed in this article.
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