2021, Number 1
Clinical complications in patients admitted for diabetic foot in the Institute of Angiology
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 1-15
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Introduction: Diabetic foot is considered a critical health concern worldwide, as long as it is the leading cause of nontraumatic amputation and the increased rates of mobility and mortality, as well as for having negative socioeconomic consequences to the patient.Objective: To identify clinical complications in patients admitted for diabetic foot to the National Institute of Angiology and Vascular Surgery.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive-retrospective study was carried out in 102 patients with type 2 diabetes and admitted in 2019 to the diabetic angiopathy service of the National Institute of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, for having a diagnosis of diabetic foot. The variables under study were age, sex, type of diabetes mellitus and its time of evolution, type of diabetic foot, surgery performed, and presence and type of clinical complications. The absolute and relative frequencies were calculated.
Results: There was a prevalence of the male sex, the age group between 61 and 70 years, and the patients with more than ten years of evolution of diabetes mellitus. Wagner’s grades 2 and 3 diabetic foot and neuroinfectious diabetic foot were the most frequent. The most performed surgery was finger amputation, so the level of minor amputation predominated, followed by surgical debridements. The complications that showed frequencies of more than 20% were anemia, hyperglycemia, and bronchopneumonia.
Conclusions: The most frequent complications in patients admitted for diabetic foot were anemia, hyperglycemia, and bronchopneumonia.
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