2021, Number 1
Evidences of validity in the final test of the subject Metabolism and Nutrition
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 94-104
PDF size: 945.63 Kb.
Introduction: In the final test of the subjects it is necessary to know the quality of the evaluative instruments that are used because defects in their elaboration cause negative effects in the curriculum, the teaching process and the students.Objective: To analyze the validity in the final test of the subject Metabolism and Nutrition in Medicine studies.
Methods: An observational, analytical, cross-sectional study was carried out at Mayabeque Faculty of Medical sciences, the universe was totally studied, it was formed by the results of the ordinary final test of the subject Metabolism and Nutrition in Medicine del course 2018-2019. To argue validity, the content and the internal structure of the examinations were used.
Results: Sets A and B to 47 and 45 students were applied. There were an adequate correspondence between the assigned time for the teaching planning time of the contents and the quantity of items which explored them, more than the third part of the distractors of both sets resulted non-functional. The 63.2 % in set A and 70.5 % in set B resulted easy, high proportion of items with poor or very bad discriminative power.
Conclusions: Both sets presented similar results. The main deficiencies which affect the validity of the tests are the prevalence of the reproductive character and the level of assimilation of the knowledge, high percentage of non- functional distractors; inadequate distribution of items according to the level of difficulty and a third part does not discriminate in adequate form.
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