2021, Number 1
Defects of dental enamel in children with temporal dentition
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 29-37
PDF size: 946.70 Kb.
Introduction: Defects of dental enamel are clinical visible alterations widely observed in the children population since early life stages.Objective: To describe the clinical and epidemiological aspects of the defects of dental enamel in children with temporal dentition.
Methods: An observational, descriptive, cross sectional study was carried out in La Habana del Este municipality from September, 2016 to June, 2019. The universe was formed by 1 075 children from 3 to 5 years old, in both sexes, belonging to fourth, fifth and sixth life years of Day Care Centers. For the selection of the children, the ones who completed their temporal dentition, the ones who presented at least one tooth with diagnosis of defects of the development of enamel and with disposition and authorization of their parents to participate were taken into consideration.
Results: The prevalence of abnormalities of the enamel was a 21.58 %, with predominance of 4 years old a 9.77 % and the male sex, 13.49 %, the diffuse opacity was the most found defect with a 52.16 %. The incisive group, 42.81 % and the maxillary group, 68.15 % were the most affected.
Conclusions: The defects of the enamel are found with predominance of moderate severity, without differences in age or sex. The diffuse opacity was the most frequent and the dental incisive and maxillary localization prevailed.
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