2021, Number 1
Logopedics neurorehabilitation in children with cerebral paralysis and associate dysarthria
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 16-28
PDF size: 993.41 Kb.
Introduction: Cerebral paralysis corresponds to a frequent neurologic pathology in pediatric age, and it is associated to dysarthria as a speech disorder.Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the logopedics neurorehabilitation in the development of the speech in children with cerebral paralysis and associate dysarthria.
Methods: A descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal study was carried out in patients assisted at the Logopedics Department of the Pediatric Neurology Clinic of the International Neurological Restoration Center from January, 2018 to March, 2019. From a universe of 83 patients with neurological diseases, a sample of 40 patients with cerebral paralysis and associate dysarthria was taken, between 5 and 16 years old. Clinical records and logopedic files were consulted, it was proved with the external diagnosis, the application of the logopedics neuro-rehabilitation, the initial and final evaluation. Articulatory Praxis Scales were applied, evaluation of breathing; Evaluation of Oral Expression and Pronunciation Scale. For the analysis of the results a percentage calculus and the Wilcoxon Marched Pairs non-parametric Test were used.
Results: Improvements in the evaluated parameters were verified; emphasizing for the labial motority (38.3 %), lingual motority (26.6 %), velar motority (11.2 %), vital capacity or spirometer (85 %), expiratory murmur (90 %) and linguistic course (25.5 %).
Conclusions: The logopedics neurorehabilitation applied in children with cerebral paralysis and associate dysarthria influences positively in the development of the articulatory praxis, the respiratory capacity and speech in general.
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