2021, Number 1
Relation urea-creatinine as a prognostic factor in the cerebrovascular disease
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 5-15
PDF size: 985.62 Kb.
Introduction: Cerebrovascular disease is the final result of a heterogeneous group of pathologic processes that affect the vasculature of the nervous system, they produce ischemia, disorders of the neuronal metabolism and they have as presentation a diversity of syndromes, each of them with particular characteristics. It is of a great interest to predict death or future incapacity early, after the presentation of the lesion, biomarkers are objective measures that can be useful as prognostic factors, safe for the patient.Objective: To determine the prognostic value of the relation nitrogen ureic blood-creatinine in admitted patients with diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease.
Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was carried out, in 239 patients with cerebrovascular diseases admitted to Internal Medicine wards from ¨Leopoldito Martínez¨ Hospital in Mayabeque province from January 1st, 2015 to June 31st ,2018. The studied variables were: age, sex, neurologic status according to Glasgow scale; estate on discharge and relation ureic sanguineous nitrogen-creatinine.
Results: Values of the relation ureic sanguineous nitrogen and high creatinine prevailed in the 50.21 %, high creatinine values prevailed in patients of 81 years old and more for a 24.69 %, the male sex for a 26.36 %, in the 51.4 % with neurological affections according to Glasgow scale and the 60 % of the deceased patients presented ureic sanguineous nitrogen and high creatinine.
Conclusion: The prognostic value of the ureic sanguineous nitrogen and creatinine act in cerebrovascular diseases.
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