2021, Number 01
Therapeutic alternativesfor the infectious corneal ulcer
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 178-193
PDF size: 1198.72 Kb.
Introduction: The infectious corneal ulcer is a frequent disorder in the ophthalmology outpatient department, its solution is a health problem to be solved, as the conventional treatments don't always guarantee a favorable clinical course of the diagnosed cases. Because of the microbial resistance, so that therapeutic alternatives are still looked for.Objective: To describe the treatment alternatives in the infectious corneal ulcer for minimizing their sequelae and to decrease blindness due to this disease.
Development: The topical administration of wide spectrum antibiotics continues being the favorite method for the pharmacological treatment of the infectious corneal ulcers, in spite of the clinical failures reports caused by the resistance to antibiotics, that is why the use of new therapeutic alternatives minimizing the sequels of this disease is investigated.
Method: A systematic review of the scientific evidence in the last ten years was carried out on several works, in which it was evidenced the use of different substances as alternative treatment.
Conclusions: In the infectious corneal ulcer the protocolized treatment combined with alternative substances which have in common a wide spectrum activity would turn out to be advantageous as they are economic and sure products which have demonstrated a great power against bacteria. The use of these compounds could be generalized, given the resistance of organisms to the conventional treatment; what makes the corneal ulcer a health problem to be solved.
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