2017, Number 24
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Inv Ed Med 2017; 6 (24)
Burnout syndrome in premedical students
Domínguez-González AD, Velasco-Jiménez MT, Meneses-Ruiz DM, Guzmán Valdivia-Gómez G, Castro-Martínez MG
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 242-247
PDF size: 168.15 Kb.
Introduction: Student burnout syndrome is a psychosocial phenomenon, product of the chronic
exposure to stressful stimulants due to the educational process. There are factors, like the high
academic requirements and the selection procedures, which trigger this syndrome in medical
Objective: To determine the presence of burnout syndrome among the medicine degree students
from the faculty of medicine.
Method: A prospective, cross-sectional and analytical study was performed on 344 group I and
group II students of the propaedeutic courses of 2014. The One-dimensional Scale of Student
Burnout and a sociodemographic questionnaire were the tools used. The level of burnout was
determined according to the scale proposed by Barraza. The data was analysed using the 23rd
SPSS statistic package.
Results: Presence of burnout was detected in both student groups. The group II students showed
the higher burnout level. This group was characterised by a higher enrolment and a lower age.
There was no correlation between gender and burnout, or with the travel time to the campus.
Conclusions: This study demonstrates the presence of a mild level of burnout syndrome in
medical students. Increased enrolment could be a factor that could lead to the development
of burnout.
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