2021, Number 1
Analysis of the pharmacology program for the Stomatology career
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 133-141
PDF size: 148.75 Kb.
Background: The use of medications is one of the pillars of professional practice in health care. In the stomatological field, the rational use of medications guarantees the safety and integrity of patients, for which knowledge of pharmacology and therapy is needed.Objective: to analyze from a critical and systematized approach the program of the pharmacology subject for the Stomatology career.
Methods: a qualitative cross-sectional descriptive research was carried out during the first semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. Empirical and theoretical methods were used, such as bibliographic and documentary review, using the Big 6 model; the review of the pharmacology subject program which is taught in the Stomatology career; and the methodology proposed by García Milián, which consists of five interrelated steps.
Results: the pharmacology program taught in the Stomatology career is well justified, and in accordance with the social expectation regarding the skills that the student must develop. It constitutes the scientific support of the therapy that is taught in the clinical disciplines. Areas of improvement were identified in the analysis of the teaching and learning process, and of the bibliography.
Conclusion: The analyzed program consists of scientific, pedagogical and didactic authenticity, it is essential in the study plan of the Stomatology career. In general, it requires transformations in terms of teaching content, media and methods, organizational forms of teaching and test system.
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