2020, Número 2
Proceso de atención de Enfermería en un paciente con gastroquisis. A propósito de un caso
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 13
Archivo PDF: 235.65 Kb.
Gastrochisis is a congenital defect of the abdominal wall closure, generally just on the right of the umbilical cord normal insertion in the abdominal wall. It rarely occupies a specular position to the right of the umbilical cord; a variable amount of intestines, and sometimes other abdominal organs, are herniated outside the abdominal wall, without a sac or a membranous covering unlike the omphalocele. The nursing care process is a scientific method of nursing professionals behavior, on a theoretical basis, developing analytical skills that, applied in the practice, have repercussion on the patients´ improvement. Describing an infrequent case of gastrochisis, and linking it to the Nursing care process is the aim of this article. The patient was a mestizo female newborn who entered the Intensive Care Ward of the Pediatric Provincial Hospital “Eliseo Noel Caamaño” of Matanzas five hours after birth. Linking this case to the Nursing care process allowed the integral care of the sick person, and developed the nursing care practical skills.REFERENCIAS (EN ESTE ARTÍCULO)
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