2019, Número 29
Natural and Traditional Medicine at the primary level of care. Actions for its strengthening, Pinewood of the river. 2017
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 30
Paginas: 12-32
Archivo PDF: 475.15 Kb.
Introduction: The use of appropriate Natural and Traditional Medicine allows professionals to expand the scientific horizon integratively.Objective: to identify the elements that influence the practice of natural and traditional medicine and to propose actions to favor their use at the primary care level of the municipality of Pinar del Río.
Method: an observational, descriptive study was conducted from May 2016 to July 2017, in the four polyclinics of the Pinar del Río municipality. A diagnosis was made that allowed the elaboration of the action plan to strengthen the use of Natural and Traditional Medicine. The universe of study considered the doctors and teachers of the Basic Work Group (N006). The selection of the sample (n = 234) was made through sampling by authority criteria.
Results: Integral General Medicine specialists predominated, with more than five years of experience, 30.3% did not use NTM, 67.9% considered it useful, 58.8% recognized its effectiveness, the most used modality was phytotherapy (69.6%), 43.2% and 38.9% respectively consider the offer of natural products and the acceptance of these by the population as regular. 83.3% considered the Pharmacotherapeutic Committee the space for the analysis of indicators of Natural and Traditional Medicine. An action plan was designed using these techniques, focusing on six axes of fundamental activities and 23 tasks.
Conclusions: the main elements identified that hinder the use of Traditional and Natural Medicine, due to their modifiable nature, are vulnerable to change, with the proposed plan of action.
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