2017, Número 4
Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2017; 31 (4)
Conocimientos y dificultades del proceso de atención de enfermería en la práctica
Ponti LE, Castillo BRT, Vignatti RA, Monaco ME, Nuñez JE
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 0
Paginas: 1-12
Archivo PDF: 102.74 Kb.
Introduction: The nursing care process is a methodological tool used in praxis to provide care, but its implementation stages are broken by issues of overwork.Objectives: To investigate knowledge and difficulties of the nursing care process in praxis. Determine which stage is the most labile. To address the frequency analysis in implementation and use. To investigate the difficulties in the execution according to the nursing care process stages in different services.
Methods: A multicenter, quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. An anonymous survey-type instrument was conducted on 167 nurses, among them nursing students. The nursing care process was hypothesized not to be used as a tool for daily work and that it breaks down in the stages of assessment and evaluation.
Results: The nursing care process is the most used in the operational base included in this range to the students in their pre-professional practice. Many participants have no problems using the nursing care process on a daily basis, but they have difficulty in using it due to overwork.
Conclusion: Depending on the frequency of the different services, the nursing care process implies a necessary and useful tool in practice. There is knowledge about it and all the stages are fulfilled. Valuation and evaluation are strengthened, the fracture is in the planning and execution stage.