2005, Número s1
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Inv Salud 2005; 7 (s1)
Predisposición genética a daño hepático por alcohol
Bastidas RBE, Delgado RV, Muñoz VJF, González HM, Ramos MME, Carrillo PMC
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 52
Paginas: 55-60
Archivo PDF: 190.54 Kb.
La enfermedad hepática alcohólica (EHA) es un
proceso complejo y multifactorial, en el que las
variaciones génicas podrían explicar las diferencias
individuales de los efectos tóxicos del alcohol.
Algunos polimorfismos en genes que participan en
la fisiopatología de la EHA, afectan positiva o
negativamente la transcripción o la actividad de
factores profibrogénicos. Se han reportado
polimorfismos en genes de receptores que
intervienen en la interacción del lipopolisacárido
bacteriano con la célula de Kupffer, LPB Y CD14,
así como en el factor transcripcional NFkB;
moléculas proinflamatorias, TNF-α, IL-1, R-IL-1, IL-6
e IL-8; factores de crecimiento, TGF-β y PDGF; las
enzimas metabolizadoras de etanol ADH, ALDH y
CYP2E1; y en sistemas eliminadores de sustancias
reactivas de oxígeno, como MnSOD. Para dilucidar
el papel que juegan las alteraciones génicas en el
desarrollo de la EHA, es necesario considerar las
interacciones de estas variaciones con variables
ambientales y estilo de vida de los individuos.
Neuman MG, Brenner DA, Rehermann B, Taieb J, Chollet-Martin S, Cohard M. Mechanisms of alcoholic liver disease: cytokines. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 2001;25(Suppl ISBRA):251S-253S.
Nanji AA, Su GL, Laposata M, y French SW. Pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease, recent advances. Alcoholism Clin Exp Res, 2002;26(5):731-736.
French SW, Nanji AA. Pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease. Alcoholism Clin Exp Res, 2002;26(5):731-736.
Achord JL. Alcohol and the liver. Sci Am Sci Med, 1995;2(2):16-25.
Lieber C.S. Alcoholic liver disease: new insights in pathogenesis lead to new treatments. J Hepatol, 2000;32:113-28.
Pares A, Caballería J, Bruguera M, Torres M, Rodes J. Histologic course of alcoholic hepatitis: influence of abstinense, sex and extent of hepatic damage. J Hepatol, 1986;2:33-42.
Bataller R, North KE, Brenner DA. Genetic polymorphism and the progression of liver fibrosis: a critical appraisal. Hepatol, 2003;37(3):493-503.
Reeves HL, Friedman SL. Activation of hepatic stellate cells, a key issue in liver fibrosis. Front Biosci, 2002;7:d808-d826.
Jiménez W, Claria J, Arroyo V, Rodés J. Carbon tetrachloride induced cirrhosis in rats: a useful tool for investigating the pathogenesis of ascites in chronic liver disease. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 1992;7:90-97. 10. Lieber CS. Alcoholic liver disease; Metabolism of alcohol. Clin Liver Dis, 1998; 2(4):1-17.
Doherty DG, Norris S, Madrigal-Estebas L, McEntee G, Traynor O, Hegarty JE, O’Farrelly C. The human liver contains multiple populations of NK cells, T cells, and CD3+CD56+ natural T cells with distinct cytotoxic activities and Th1, Th2, and Th0 cytokine secretion patterns. J Immunol, 1999;163:2314-2321.
Ghany M, Hoofnagle JH. Estudio del paciente con enfermedad hepática. En: Harrison. Principios de Medicina Interna. Braunwald E, Fauci AS, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Jameson JL. McGraw Hill Interamericana, 2002; 15ª edición, sec. 2, cap. 292:1995-2000.
Nanji AA, Khettry U, Sadrzady SM, Yamanaka T. Severity of liver injury in experimental alcoholic liver disease. Correlation with plasma endotoxin, prostaglandin E2, leukotriene B4, and thromboxane B2. Am J Pathol, 1993;142:367-373.
Su GL. Lipopolysaccharides in liver injury: molecular mechanism of Kupffer cell activation. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol, 2002;283:G256-G265.
Diehl A. Cytokines and the molecular mechanisms of alcoholic liver disease. Alcoholism: Clin Exp Res, 1999;23:1419-1424.
McClain CJ, Barve S, Deaciuc I, Kugelmas M, Hill D. Cytokines in alcoholic liver disease. Sem Liv Dis, 1999;19:205-219.
Thurman RG. Alcoholic liver injury involves activation of Kupffer cells by endotoxin. Am J Physiol, 1998;275:G605-611.
Lieber CS. Microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system (MEOS): the first 30 years (1968-1998) - a review. Alcoholism: Clin Exp Res, 1999;23:991-1007.
Donaldson P, Agarwal K, Craggs A, Craig W, James O, Jones D. HLA and interleukin 1 gene polymorphism in primary biliary cirrosis: association with disease progression and disease susceptibility. Gut,2001;48:397-402.
Monzoni A, Masutti F, Saccoccio G, Bellentani S, Tiribelli C, Giacca M. Genetic determinants of ethanol-induced liver damage. Mol Med, 2001;7:255-262.
Okamoto K, Murawaki Y, Yuasa AI, Kawasaki H. Effect of ALDH2 and CYP2E1 gene polymorphisms on drinking behavior and alcoholic liver disease in Japanese male workers. Alcohol: Clin Exp Res, 2001;25:(Suppl):19S-23S.
Lee HC, Lee HS, Jung SH. Association between polymorphisms of ethanol-metabolizing enzymes and susceptibility to alcoholic cirrhosis in a Korean male population. J Korean Med Sci, 2001;16:745-750.
Grove J, Daly AK, Bassendine MF, Day CP. Association of a tumor necrosis factor promoter polymorphism with susceptibility to alcoholic steatohepatitis. Hepatol, 1997;26:143-146.
Jarvelainen HA, Orpana A, Perola M, Savolainen VT, Karhunen PJ, Lindros KO. Promoter polymorphism of the CD14 endotoxin receptor gene as a risk factor for alcoholic liver disease. Hepatol, 2001;33:1148-1153.
Stewart S, Jones D, Day CP. Alcoholic liver disease: new insights into mechanisms and preventative strategies. Trends Mol Med, 2001;7:408-413.
Degoul F, Sutton A, Mansouri A. Homozygosity for alanine in the mitochondrial targeting sequence of superoxide dismutase and risk for severe alcoholic liver disease. Gastroenterol, 2001;120:1468-1474.
Deuteronomio, capítulo 30, v.19. En: La Biblia al día, 1979.
Neuman MG, Brenner DA, Rehermann B, Taieb J, Chollet-Martin S, Cohard M. Mechanisms of alcoholic liver disease: cytokines. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 2001;25(Suppl ISBRA):251S-253S.
Nanji AA, Su GL, Laposata M, y French SW. Pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease, recent advances. Alcoholism Clin Exp Res, 2002;26(5):731-736.
French SW, Nanji AA. Pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease. Alcoholism Clin Exp Res, 2002;26(5):731-736.
Achord JL. Alcohol and the liver. Sci Am Sci Med, 1995;2(2):16-25.
Lieber C.S. Alcoholic liver disease: new insights in pathogenesis lead to new treatments. J Hepatol, 2000;32:113-28.
Pares A, Caballería J, Bruguera M, Torres M, Rodes J. Histologic course of alcoholic hepatitis: influence of abstinense, sex and extent of hepatic damage. J Hepatol, 1986;2:33-42.
Bataller R, North KE, Brenner DA. Genetic polymorphism and the progression of liver fibrosis: a critical appraisal. Hepatol, 2003;37(3):493-503.
Reeves HL, Friedman SL. Activation of hepatic stellate cells, a key issue in liver fibrosis. Front Biosci, 2002;7:d808-d826.
Jiménez W, Claria J, Arroyo V, Rodés J. Carbon tetrachloride induced cirrhosis in rats: a useful tool for investigating the pathogenesis of ascites in chronic liver disease. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 1992;7:90-97. 10. Lieber CS. Alcoholic liver disease; Metabolism of alcohol. Clin Liver Dis, 1998; 2(4):1-17.
Doherty DG, Norris S, Madrigal-Estebas L, McEntee G, Traynor O, Hegarty JE, O’Farrelly C. The human liver contains multiple populations of NK cells, T cells, and CD3+CD56+ natural T cells with distinct cytotoxic activities and Th1, Th2, and Th0 cytokine secretion patterns. J Immunol, 1999;163:2314-2321.
Ghany M, Hoofnagle JH. Estudio del paciente con enfermedad hepática. En: Harrison. Principios de Medicina Interna. Braunwald E, Fauci AS, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Jameson JL. McGraw Hill Interamericana, 2002; 15ª edición, sec. 2, cap. 292:1995-2000.
Nanji AA, Khettry U, Sadrzady SM, Yamanaka T. Severity of liver injury in experimental alcoholic liver disease. Correlation with plasma endotoxin, prostaglandin E2, leukotriene B4, and thromboxane B2. Am J Pathol, 1993;142:367-373.
Su GL. Lipopolysaccharides in liver injury: molecular mechanism of Kupffer cell activation. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol, 2002;283:G256-G265.
Diehl A. Cytokines and the molecular mechanisms of alcoholic liver disease. Alcoholism: Clin Exp Res, 1999;23:1419-1424.
McClain CJ, Barve S, Deaciuc I, Kugelmas M, Hill D. Cytokines in alcoholic liver disease. Sem Liv Dis, 1999;19:205-219.
Thurman RG. Alcoholic liver injury involves activation of Kupffer cells by endotoxin. Am J Physiol, 1998;275:G605-611.
Lieber CS. Microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system (MEOS): the first 30 years (1968-1998) - a review. Alcoholism: Clin Exp Res, 1999;23:991-1007.
Donaldson P, Agarwal K, Craggs A, Craig W, James O, Jones D. HLA and interleukin 1 gene polymorphism in primary biliary cirrosis: association with disease progression and disease susceptibility. Gut,2001;48:397-402.
Monzoni A, Masutti F, Saccoccio G, Bellentani S, Tiribelli C, Giacca M. Genetic determinants of ethanol-induced liver damage. Mol Med, 2001;7:255-262.
Okamoto K, Murawaki Y, Yuasa AI, Kawasaki H. Effect of ALDH2 and CYP2E1 gene polymorphisms on drinking behavior and alcoholic liver disease in Japanese male workers. Alcohol: Clin Exp Res, 2001;25:(Suppl):19S-23S.
Lee HC, Lee HS, Jung SH. Association between polymorphisms of ethanol-metabolizing enzymes and susceptibility to alcoholic cirrhosis in a Korean male population. J Korean Med Sci, 2001;16:745-750.
Grove J, Daly AK, Bassendine MF, Day CP. Association of a tumor necrosis factor promoter polymorphism with susceptibility to alcoholic steatohepatitis. Hepatol, 1997;26:143-146.
Jarvelainen HA, Orpana A, Perola M, Savolainen VT, Karhunen PJ, Lindros KO. Promoter polymorphism of the CD14 endotoxin receptor gene as a risk factor for alcoholic liver disease. Hepatol, 2001;33:1148-1153.
Stewart S, Jones D, Day CP. Alcoholic liver disease: new insights into mechanisms and preventative strategies. Trends Mol Med, 2001;7:408-413.
Degoul F, Sutton A, Mansouri A. Homozygosity for alanine in the mitochondrial targeting sequence of superoxide dismutase and risk for severe alcoholic liver disease. Gastroenterol, 2001;120:1468-1474.
Deuteronomio, capítulo 30, v.19. En: La Biblia al día, 1979.