2017, Número 3
Medicentro 2017; 21 (3)
Síndrome de Percheron
Lovelle EOA, González RD, Izquierdo SG
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 0
Paginas: 278-281
Archivo PDF: 396.29 Kb.
Synchronous bilateral paramedian thalamic stroke, usually called as Percheron artery infarction, is considered to be uncommon and difficult to diagnose clinically. We present a 50-year-old patient with a bilateral thalamic infarction, disorientation, blurred and double vision in the morning but no loss of consciousness. There was observed in the simple computerized axial tomography of the skull, a bilateral thalamic hypodensity, compatible with an acute infarction at this level, due to the occlusion of the Percheron artery. It is important to recognize this anatomic variant to establish the mechanism of the bilateral thalamic infarction.