2005, Número 2
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Rev Gastroenterol Mex 2005; 70 (2)
Una opción terapéutica para lactantes con constipación funcional
Heller RS
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 7
Paginas: 225
Archivo PDF: 51.68 Kb.
Objetivo: evaluar la eficacia y seguridad del polietilenglicol (PEG) 3350 sin electrólitos en niños menores de dos años de edad.
Voskuijl W, de Lorijn F, Verwijs W, Hogeman P, et al. PEG 3350 (Transipeg) versus lactulose in the treatment of childhood functional constipation: a double blind, randomized, controlled, multicentre trial. Gut 2004; 53: 1560-4.
Pashankar D, Uc A, Bishop W. Polyethylene glycol 3350 without electrolytes: a new safe, effective, and palatable bowel preparation for colonoscopy in children. J Pediatr 2004; 144: 358-62.
Pashankar DS, Bishop WP. Efficacy and optimal dose of daily polyethylene glycol 3350 for treatment of constipation and encopresis in children. Pediatr 2001; 139: 428-32.
Youssef NN, Peters JM, Henderson W, et al. Dose response of PEG 3350 for the treatment of childhood fecal impaction. J Pediatr 2002; 141: 410-4.
Pashankar DS, Loening-Baucke V, Bishop WP. Long- term efficacy of polyethylene glycol 3350 for the treatment of chronic constipation in children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2003; 157: 661-4.
Erickson BA, Austin JC, Cooper CS, Boyt MA. Polyethylene glycol 3350 for constipation in children with dysfunctional elimination. J Urol 2003; 170: 1518-20.
Michael S, Gendy E, Preud´Homme D, Mezoff A. Polyethylene glycol for constipation in children younger than eighteen months old. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2004; 39: 197-9.