2016, Número 1
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Rev Mex Ortodon 2016; 4 (1)
Sugerencia del día: movimiento dental acelerado
Montesinos FA
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 14
Paginas: 6-8
Archivo PDF: 192.42 Kb.
Los objetivos de la ortodoncia contemporánea son función, estética, estabilidad e integridad de los tejidos de soporte; rutinariamente el ortodoncista obtiene estos objetivos a través de diferentes filosofías, mecánicas o formas de tratamiento. El desarrollo tecnológico y la aplicación científica de los biomateriales, en combinación con los descubrimientos de la biología del movimiento dental ortodóncico, han permitido modificaciones en la forma en que se lleva a cabo un tratamiento de ortodoncia.
Long H, Pyakurel U, Wang Y, Liao L, Zhou Y, Lai W. Interventions for accelerating orthodontic tooth movement: a systematic review. Angle Orthod. 2013; 83 (1): 164-171. doi: 10.2319/031512-224.1. Epub 2012 Jun 21.
Nishimura M, Chiba M, Ohashi T, Sato M, Shimizu Y, Igarashi K et al. Periodontal tissue activation by vibration: intermittent stimulation by resonance vibration accelerates experimental tooth movement in rats. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2008; 133 (4): 572-583. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2006.01.046.
Kanzaki H, Chiba M, Arai K, Takahashi I, Haruyama N, Nishimura M et al. Local RANKL gene transfer to the periodontal tissue accelerates orthodontic tooth movement. Gene Ther. 2006; 13 (8): 678-685.
Hoogeveen EJ, Jansama J, Ren Y. Surgically facilitated orthodontic treatment: a systematic review. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2014; 145: S51-S64.
Wilcko MT, Wilcko WM, Pulver JJ, Bissada NF, Bouquot JE. Accelerated osteogenic orthodontics technique: a 1-stage surgically facilitated rapid orthodontic technique with alveolar augmentation. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009; 67: 2149-2159.
Murphy KG, Wilcko MT, Wilcko WM, Ferguson DJ. Periodontal accelerated osteogenic orthodontics: a description of the surgical technique. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009; 67: 2160-2166.
Wilcko MT, Wilcko WM, Bissada NF. An evidence-based analysis of periodontally accelerated orthodontic and osteogenic techniques a synthesis of scientific perspective. Seminars Orthod. 2008; 14: 305-316.
Wilcko WM, Ferguson DJ, Bouquot JE, Wilko MT. Rapid orthodontic decrowding with alveolar augmentation: case report. World J Orthod. 2003; 4: 197-205.
Wilcko WM, Wilcko MT, Bouquot JE, Ferguson DJ. Accelerated orthodontics with alveolar reshaping. J Ortho Practice. 2000; 10: 63-70.
Vercellotti T, Podesta A. Orthodontic microsurgery: a new surgically guided technique for dental movement. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2007; 27: 325-331.
Dibart S, Sebaoun JD, Surmenian J. Piezocision: a minimal invasive, periodontally accelerated orthodontic movement procedure. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2009; 30 (6): 342-344, 346, 348-350.
Chung K, Mitsugi M, Lee B, Kanno T, Lee W, Kim S. Speedy surgical orthodontic treatment with skeletal anchorage in adults-sagittal correction and open bite correction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009; 67: 2130-2148.
Chung K, Kim S, Lee B. Speedy surgical-orthodontic treatment with temporary anchorage devices as an alternative to orthognathic surgery. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2009; 135: 787-798.
Yaffe A, Fine N, Binderman I. Regional accelerated phenomenon in the mandible following mucoperiosteal flap surgery. J Periodontal. 1994; 65 (1): 79-83.