2006, Número 1
Relación entre virulencia y presencia de plásmidos en bacterias Vibrio fluvialis y Vibrio furnissii, aisladas de pez dorado (Carassius auratus)
Negrete RP, Romero JJ, Arredondo FJL, López LM
Idioma: Español/Inglés
Referencias bibliográficas: 79
Paginas: 29-42
Archivo PDF: 463.87 Kb.
Se aislaron cepas de bacterias del riñón de peces de ornato de la especie
Carassius auratus, que manifestaron signos y lesiones de infección. Se identificaron especies de dos familias bacterianas de importancia ictiopatogénica:
Aeromonadaceae y
Vibrionaceae, mediante la técnica API-20E, API-20NE y pruebas bioquímicas complementarias. Se confirmó la identidad de dichas bacterias de acuerdo con la técnica de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa y se confirmó presencia de la especie
A. hydrophila y dos especies diferentes del género Vibrio:
Vibrio furnissii y
Vibrio fluvialis. Se comprobó la capacidad de provocar infección de las dos especies mencionadas, en peces susceptibles sanos de la especie
Carassius auratus, según los postulados de Koch. Las dos especies se sembraron en placas de agar sangre, se obtuvo crecimiento con α hemolisis. El 97% del total de las cepas estudiadas mostraron este comportamiento. Se efectuó la extracción alcalina de ADN y se detectaron plásmidos R en 87.5% de las cepas aisladas con pesos moleculares entre 25 000 pb y 6 000 pb. Se comprobó la relación entre la capacidad α-hemolítica de las cepas estudiadas y la presencia de plásmidos al no observar crecimiento con hemolisis en agar sangre ni registrar halos de inhibición en la prueba de antibiosis, después ser curadas las cepas con naranjada de acridina
Negrete R P, Romero J J. Estudio cualitativo de las condiciones sanitarias de producción y manejo de granjas acuícolas en los estados de México y Morelos. Rev Hidrobiol 1998; 8: 43-54.
Lee J V, Shread P, Furniss A I, Bryant T N. Taxonomy and description of Vibrio fluvialis sp. Nov. (Synonym. Group F. Vibrios EF6) J Appl Bacteriol 1981; 50: 73-94.
Brenner D J, Hickman-Brenner F W, Lee J V, Steigerwalt A G, Fannining G R, Hollis G G, et al. Vibrio furnissii (formerly aerogenic biogroup of Vibrio fluvialis), a new species isolated from human feces and the enviroment. J Clin Microbiol 1983; 18: 816-824.
Toranzo A E, Barja J L, Colwell R R, Hetrick F L. Relatioship between plasmid strain of Vibrio anguillarum isolated from different fish species. Appl Environ Microbiol 1983; 55: 826-831.
Madigan T M, Martinko M J, Parker J. Biología de los microorganismos. Madrid: Prentice Hall, 2000.
Toranzo A E, Barja L. Virulence factors of bacteria pathogenic for coldwater fish. Annu Rev Fish Dis 1993; 3:5-36.
Crosa J H, Schiewe M H, Falkow S. Evidence for plasmid contribution to the virulence of the fish pathogen Vibrio anguillarum. Infet Immun 1987; 18: 509-513.
Crosa J H, Hodges L L, Schiewe M. Curing of plasmid is correlated with attenuation of virulence in marine fish pathogen Vibrio anguillarum. Infect Immun 1980; 27: 897-902.
Roberts R J. Introduction fish. In: Inglis W, Roberts R J, Bromage R N, editore Bacterial diseases of fish. London: Academic Press,1993; 1-20.
Austin B, Austin D A. Bacterial fish pathogen diseases in formed and wild fish. London, England: Ellis Horwood Ltd. 1987.
Munro A L S. The pathogenesis of bacterial diseases of fishes. En: Robert R-J, editor. Microbiol disease of fishes. London: Academic Press 1982; 131-149.
ANALYTICAL PROFILE INDEX.API-20E Enterobacteriaceae and other Gram-negative Bacteria. 4nd ed. France: BioMerioux, 1997.
ANALYTICAL PROFILE INDEX. API-20NE Enterobacteriaceae and other Gram negative Bacteria 2nd ed. France: BioMerioux, 1989.
Dalsgaard I, Gudmundsdottir B K, Helgason S, Hoie S, Thoresen O F. Identification of atypical Aeromonas salmonicida: inter-laboratory evaluation and harmonization of methods. J Appl Microbiol 1998, 84: 999-1006.
Altewegg M, Steigerwalt A G, Altewegg-Bissig R, Iuthy-Hottenstein J, Brenner DJ. Biochemical identification of Aeromonas Genospecies isolated from humans. Am Soc Microbiol 1990; 28:258-264.
Colwell R R, McDonell M T, De Ley J. Proposal to recognize the family Aeromonadaceae. Fam Nov Int J Sys Bacteriol 1986; 36:473-477.
Furniss A L, Lee J V, Donovan T S. Group F, a new vibrio? Lancet II,1977;1: 565-566.
Cowan S T. Cowan and Steel´s Manual for the identification of medical bacteria. 2nd ed. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1974.
Khan A, Cerniglia C E. Rapid and sensitive method for the detection of Aeromonas caviae and Aeromonas trota by polymerase chain reaction. Rev Aquacult 1977; 24:233-239.
Zanetti S, Deriu A, Dupre I, Snaguinetti M, Tadda G, Sechi L A. Differentiation of Vibrio alginolyticus. Strain isolated from sardina aters by ribotyping and new rapid PCR Fingerprinting method. Appl Environ Micorbiol 1999;5:1871-1875.
Bradshaw L J. Laboratory Microbiology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: W B Saunders Company, 1973.
APHA Standard Methods for examination of water and wastewater. Washington D.C: American Publication Healthy Association, 1992; 583-589.
Negrete R P, Romero J J M. Capacidad de Vibrio fluvialis (Lee, 1981) de producir enfermedad en pez dorado (Carassius auratus, L.). Vet Méx 2003;35:31-43
Michel C. A standardized of experimental furunculosis in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) Can J Fish Aquac Sci 1980;37: 746-750.
Bauer A W, Kirby W M M, Sherris J C, Turk M. Antibiotic susceptibility testing by a standardized singl- disc method. Am J Clin Pathol 1966,45:493-496.
Hindler J. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing.In: Iseberg H D, editor. Clinical Microbiology procedures Handbook. Washington D. C: American Socciety Microbiology 1992.
Barry A I. Thornsberry C. Susceptibility test difusion procedures. In: Lennette, editor. Manual of Clinical Microbiology. Washington: American Socciety Microbiology 1985.
Giono C S. Prueba de Bauer-Kirby para sensibilidad a los antimicrobianos. Infectología III 1983; 7:325.
Stanley R S. Lynch´s Medical Laboratory Technology. Washington USA: WB. Saunders, 1983; 434-440.
Birnboim H C, Dolly J. A rapid alkaline extraction procedure for screening recombinant plasmid DNA. Nucl Acid Res 1979;7: 1513-1517.
Gene RulerTM MBIFermentas.Ikb.DNA Ladder. Current Protocols in Molecular Bilogy. In: Ausubel F M, et al., editor. New York, Brooklyn: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1997; 1.
Hsu T C, Waltman W D, Shotts E B. Correlation of extracellular enzimatic activity and biochemical characteristic with regard to virulence of Aeromonas hydrophila. Develop Biol Stand 1981;49:101-111.
Kaper J B, Lockman H, Colwell. Aeromonas hydrophila. Asian Fish Sci 1990;3: 343-351.
Wakabayashi R R, Joseph S W. Aeromonas hydrophila.
Ecology and toxigenicity of isolates from a estuary. J Appl Bacteriol 1981;50:350-377.
Turbull P C B, Lee J V, Miliotis M D, Van de Walle S, Koornhof H J, Jeffer L, et al. Enteroticin production in relation to taxonomic grouping and source of isolation of Aeromonas species. J Clin Microbiol 1984, 19: 175-180.
Morgan D R, Johnson P C, Du Pont H L, Satterwithe T K, Wood L V. Lack of correlation between known virulence properties of Aeromonas hydrophila and enteropathogenicity for human . Infect Immun 1985; 50: 62-67.
Angka S L. The pathology of the walking catfish Clarias batracius (L.)infected intraperitoneally with Aeromonas salmonicida. J Fish Biol 1985; 15:189-195.
Crosa J H, Actis L A, Mitoma Y, Perez-Casal J, Tolmasky M E, Valvano M A. Plasmid- mediated iron sequestering systems in pathogenic strains of Vibrio anguillarum and Escherichia coli. In: Helinski D R, Cohen C, Clewell D, Jackson C, Hollaender A, editors. Plasmid in bacteria. New York: Plenum press, 1989.
Wiik R, Hoff K A, Andersen K, Daae F L. Relationships between plasmids and phenotypes of presumtive strains of Vibrio anguillarum isolated from different fish species. Apply Environ Microbiol 1989;55: 826-831.
Negrete RP, Romero JJ. Estudio cualitativo de las condiciones sanitarias de producción y manejo de granjas acuícolas en los estados de México y Morelos. Rev Hidrobiol 1998; 8: 43-54.
Lee JV, Shread P, Furniss AI, Bryant TN. Taxonomy and description of Vibrio fluvialis sp. Nov. (Synonym. Group F. Vibrios EF6) J Appl Bacteriol 1981; 50:73-94.
Brenner DJ, Hickman-Brenner FW, Lee JV, Steigerwalt AG, Fannining GR, Hollis GG, et al. Vibrio furnissii (formerly aerogenic biogroup of Vibrio fluvialis), a new species isolated from human feces and the enviroment. J Clin Microbiol 1983; 18: 816-824.
Toranzo AE, Barja JL, Colwell RR, Hetrick FL. Relatioship between plasmid strain of Vibrio anguillarum isolated from different fish species. Appl Environ Microbiol 1983; 55: 826-831.
Madigan TM, Martinko MJ, Parker J. Biología de los microorganismos. Madrid: Prentice Hall, 2000.
Toranzo AE, Barja L. Virulence factors of bacteria pathogenic for coldwater fish. Annu Rev Fish Dis 1993; 3:5-36.
Crosa JH, Schiewe MH, Falkow S. Evidence for plasmid contribution to the virulence of the fish pathogen Vibrio anguillarum. Infet Immun 1987; 18:509-513.
Crosa JH, Hodges LL, Schiewe M. Curing of plasmid is correlated with attenuation of virulence in marine fish pathogen Vibrio anguillarum. Infect Immun 1980; 27: 897-902.
Roberts RJ. Introduction fish. In: Inglis W, Roberts RJ, Bromage RN, editore Bacterial diseases of fish. London: Academic Press,1993; 1-20.
Austin B, Austin DA. Bacterial fish pathogen diseases in formed and wild fish. London, England: Ellis Horwood Ltd. 1987.
Munro ALS. The pathogenesis of bacterial diseases of fishes. En: Robert R-J, editor. Microbiol disease of fishes. London: Academic Press 1982; 131-149.
ANALYTICAL PROFILE INDEX.API-20E Enterobacteriaceae and other Gram-negative Bacteria. 4nd ed. France: BioMerioux, 1997.
ANALYTICAL PROFILE INDEX. API-20NE Enterobacteriaceae and other Gram negative Bacteria 2nd ed. France: BioMerioux, 1989.
Dalsgaard I, Gudmundsdottir BK, Helgason S, Hoie S, Thoresen OF. Identification of atypical Aeromonas salmonicida: inter-laboratory evaluation and harmonization of methods. J Appl Microbiol 1998, 84: 999-1006.
Altewegg M, Steigerwalt AG, Altewegg-Bissig R, Iuthy-Hottenstein J, Brenner DJ. Biochemical identification of Aeromonas Genospecies isolated from humans. Am Soc Microbiol 1990; 28:258-264.
Colwell RR, McDonell MT, De Ley J. Proposal to recognize the family Aeromonadaceae. Fam Nov Int J Sys Bacteriol 1986; 36:473-477.
Furniss AL, Lee JV, Donovan TS. Group F, a new vibrio? Lancet II,1977;1: 565-566.
Cowan ST. Cowan and Steel´s Manual for the identification of medical bacteria. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1974.
Khan A, Cerniglia CE. Rapid and sensitive method for the detection of Aeromonas caviae and Aeromonas trota by polymerase chain reaction. Rev Aquacult 1977; 24:233-239.
Zanetti S, Deriu A, Dupre I, Snaguinetti M, Tadda G, Sechi LA. Differentiation of Vibrio alginolyticus. Strain isolated from sardina aters by ribotyping and new rapid PCR Fingerprinting method. Appl Environ Micorbiol 1999;5:1871-1875.
Bradshaw LJ. Laboratory Microbiology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company, 1973.
APHA Standard Methods for examination of water and wastewater. Washington D.C: American Publication Healthy Association, 1992; 583-589.
Negrete RP, Romero JJM. Capacidad de Vibrio fluvialis (Lee, 1981) de producir enfermedad en pez dorado (Carassius auratus, L.). Vet Méx 2003;35:31-43
Michel C. A standardized of experimental furunculosis in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) Can J Fish Aquac Sci 1980;37: 746-750.
Bauer AW, Kirby WMM, Sherris JC, Turk M. Antibiotic susceptibility testing by a standardized singl- disc method. Am J Clin Pathol 1966,45:493-496.
Hindler J. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing. In: Iseberg HD, editor. Clinical Microbiology procedures Handbook. Washington D.C: American Socciety Microbiology 1992.
Barry AI. Thornsberry C. Susceptibility test difusion procedures. In: Lennette, editor. Manual of Clinical Microbiology. Washington: American Socciety Microbiology 1985.
Giono CS. Prueba de Bauer-Kirby para sensibilidad a los antimicrobianos. Infectología III 1983; 7:325.
Stanley RS. Lynch´s Medical Laboratory Technology. Washington USA: WB. Saunders, 1983; 434-440.
Birnboim HC, Dolly J. A rapid alkaline extraction procedure for screening recombinant plasmid DNA. Nucl Acid Res 1979;7: 1513-1517.
Gene Ruler TM MBI Fermentas. Ikb. DNA Ladder. Current Protocols in Molecular Bilogy. In: Ausubel F M, et al., editor. New York, Brooklyn: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1997; 1.
Hsu TC, Waltman WD, Shotts EB. Correlation of extracellular enzimatic activity and biochemical characteristic with regard to virulence of Aeromonas hydrophila. Develop Biol Stand 1981;49:101-111.
Kaper JB, Lockman H, Colwell. Aeromonas hydrophila. Asian Fish Sci 1990;3: 343-351.
Wakabayashi RR, Joseph SW. Aeromonas hydrophila. Ecology and toxigenicity of isolates from a estuary. J Appl Bacteriol 1981;50:350-377.
Turbull PCB, Lee JV, Miliotis MD, Van de Walle S, Koornhof HJ, Jeffer L, et al. Enteroticin production in relation to taxonomic grouping and source of isolation of Aeromonas species. J Clin Microbiol 1984, 19: 175-180.
Morgan DR, Johnson PC, Du Pont HL, Satterwithe TK, Wood LV. Lack of correlation between known virulence properties of Aeromonas hydrophila and enteropathogenicity for human. Infect Immun 1985; 50:62-67.
Angka SL. The pathology of the walking catfish Clarias batracius (L.)infected intraperitoneally with Aeromonas salmonicida. J Fish Biol 1985; 15:189-195.
Crosa JH, Actis LA, Mitoma Y, Perez-Casal J, Tolmasky ME, Valvano MA. Plasmid- mediated iron sequestering systems in pathogenic strains of Vibrio anguillarum and Escherichia coli. In: Helinski DR, Cohen C, Clewell D, Jackson C, Hollaender A, editors. Plasmid in bacteria. New York: Plenum press, 1989.
Wiik R, Hoff KA, Andersen K, Daae FL. Relationships between plasmids and phenotypes of presumtive strains of Vibrio anguillarum isolated from different fish species. Apply Environ Microbiol 1989;55: 826-831.