2014, Número 4
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Rev Ciencias Médicas 2014; 18 (4)
Fascitis necrotizante tipo II como urgencia dermatológica en un recién nacido
Piloña RSG, Suárez GN, Batista CAV, Izquierdo MA, Vara COL
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 11
Paginas: 705-713
Archivo PDF: 198.02 Kb.
Introduction: necrotizing fasciitis is a rapidly progressive infection of the skin and soft tissues, often associated with a significant systemic toxicity. It is considered a dermatological emergency.
Clinical case: the case of a newborn with 12 days of life and with no pathological perinatal history is presented; admitted for special neonatal cares service due to a severe soft tissue infection in the thoracic region that evolved to shock. Clinical, microbiology and chemistry testing confirmed the diagnosis of a necrotizing fasciitis. In its evolution, it was required a multidisciplinary and immediate aggressive surgical treatment by burnt specialists; which consisted of resection, with broad and complete removal of all necrotic tissue. After one month of life, we decided to perform a free skin graft taken from the mother herself (homologous graft). The patient was discharged from hospital after 3 months, with a full recovery and no evidence of organ damage.
Conclusions: newborn necrotizing fasciitis is considered an unusual dermatological emergency.
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