2014, Número 2
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Ortho-tips 2014; 10 (2)
Neuroma de Morton
Gutiérrez MI, López AL, Clifton CJF, Navarro BE, Villarruel SJÁ, Zermeño RJJ, Espinosa de los Monteros KAF, Romo RR, Marcial HJÁ
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 19
Paginas: 117-123
Archivo PDF: 495.13 Kb.
El neuroma de Morton es una neuropatía compresiva que afecta a los nervios digitales comunes de las extremidades inferiores; representa una patología relativamente común en el género femenino, cuyo diagnóstico clínico y tratamiento deben ser precisos con la finalidad de mejorar la funcionalidad de los pacientes que la padecen. A continuación presentaremos un panorama general de esta entidad nosológica para su entendimiento de una manera fácil y sencilla.
Lassmann G. Morton’s toe: clinical, light, and electron microscopic investigations in 133 cases. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1979; 142: 73-84.
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Levitsky KA, Alman BA, Jevsevar DS, Morehead J. Digital nerves of the foot: anatomic variations and implications regarding the pathogenesis of interdigital neuroma. Foot Ankle. 1993; 14 (4): 208-214.
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Mulder JD. The causative mechanism in Morton’s metatarsalgia. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1951; 33: 94-95.
Kankanala G, Jain AS. The operational characteristics of ultrasonography for the diagnosis of plantar intermetatarsal neuroma. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2007; 46 (4): 213-217.
Cohen J, Lenchig S. Pulsed radiofrequency combined with continuous radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of Morton’s neuroma: a case report. The Foot and Ankle Online Journal. 6 (3): 1.
Rasmussen MR, Kitaoka HB, Patzer GL. Nonoperative treatment of plantar interdigital neuroma with a single corticosteroid injection. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1996; (326): 188-193.
Hughes RJ, Ali K, Jones H, Kendall S, Connell DA. Treatment of Morton’s neuroma with alcohol injection under sonographic guidance: follow-up of 101 cases. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2007; 188 (6): 1535-1539.
Thomson CE, Beggs I, Martin DJ, McMillian D, Edwards RT, Russell D, et al. Methylprednisolone injections for the treatment of Morton neuroma a patient-blinded randomized trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013; 95 (9): 790-798.
Markovic M, Crichton K, Read JW, Lam P, Slater HK. Effectiveness of ultrasound-guided corticosteroid injection in the treatment of Morton’s neuroma. Foot Ankle Int. 2008; 29: 483-487.
Makki D, Haddad BZ, Mahmood HZ, Shahid MS, Pathak S, Garnham I. Efficacy of corticosteroid injection versus size of plantar interdigital neuroma. Foot Ankle Int. 2012; 33 (9): 722-726.
Climent JM, Mondéjar GF, Rodríguez RC, Díaz LI, Gómez GD. Treatment of Morton neuroma with botulinum toxin A: a pilot study. Clin Drug Investig. 2013; 33 (7): 497-503.
Thomson CE, Gibson JN, Martin D. Interventions for the treatment of Morton’s neuroma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2004; (3): CD003118.
Pace A, Scammell B, Dhar S. The outcome of Morton’s neurectomy in the treatment of metatarsalgia. Int Orthop. 2010; 34 (4): 511-515.
Kasparek M, Schneider W. Surgical treatment of Morton’s neuroma: clinical results after open excision. Int Orthop. 2013; 37 (9): 1857-1861.
Zelent ME, Kane RM, Neese DJ, Lockner WB. Minimally invasive Morton’s intermetatarsal neuroma decompression. Foot Ankle Int. 2007; 28: 263-265.
Villas C, Florez B, Alfonso M. Neurectomy versus neurolysis for Morton’s neuroma. Foot Ankle Int. 2008; 29 (6): 578-580.
Moore JL, Rosen R, Cohen J, Rosen B. Radiofrequency thermoneurolysis for the treatment of Morton’s neuroma. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2012; 51: 20-22.