2013, Número S1
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Rev Cub Oftal 2013; 26 (S1)
Corrección de la esotropía infantil: ¿cuáles deben ser nuestros objetivos y métodos?
Parsa CF
Idioma: Ingles.
Referencias bibliográficas: 6
Paginas: 702-703
Archivo PDF: 20.80 Kb.
Sin resumen.
Simonsz HJ, Kolling GH, Unnebrink K. Final report of the early vs. late infantile strabismus surgery study (ELISSS), a controlled, prospective, multicenter study. Strabismus. 2005 Dec;13(4):169-99.
Simonsz HJ, Eijkemans MJ. Predictive value of age, angle, and refraction on rate of reoperation and rate of spontaneous resolution in infantile esotropia. Strabismus. 2010;18(3):87-97.
Simonsz HJ, Kolling GH. Best age for surgery for infantile esotropia. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2011;15(3):205-8.
Guyton DL. The 10th Bielschowsky Lecture. Changes in strabismus over time: the roles of vergence tonus and muscle length adaptation. Binocul Vis Strabismus Q. 2006;21(2):81-92.
Donders FC. Chapter VI. Strabismus convergens, the result of hypermetropia. In: On the anomalies of accommodation and refraction of the eye. Translated by WD Moore. London: The New Sydenham Society (Volume 22), 1864:291-311.
Jampolsky A. What do we really know about strabismus and its management? In: Taylor DS, Hoyt CS (eds): Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, W.B. Saunders Ltd; 2005, Chapter 90. p. 1001-10.