2013, Número 5
Protocolo clínico actual para restauraciones profundas
Cedillo VJJ, Cedillo FJE
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 85
Paginas: 263-275
Archivo PDF: 231.30 Kb.
El tratamiento de desmineralizaciones profundas, desde el punto de vista biológico y clínico, representa un reto para mantener la vitalidad pulpar; en la actualidad el tema sigue siendo controversia en nuestra práctica clínica, debido a la complejidad del diagnóstico y a elegir una adecuada terapéutica que nos lleve a un éxito clínico. Durante varias décadas, el recubrimiento pulpar directo e indirecto se han realizado con hidróxido de calcio debido a que no existía otro material ideal. La introducción de nuevos biomateriales ha cambiado la terapéutica de las lesiones próximas al tejido pulpar. En este trabajo clínico se expondrá una nueva opción para tratar estas lesiones, basada en nuevos materiales, los cuales ya han sido estudiados por diversos investigadores.
Pereira JC, Esteves T, Costa L, Cestari T, Ribeiro M, Pagani M. Recubrimiento pulpar directo e indirecto: mantenimiento de la vitalidad pulpar. Acta Odontológica Venezolana. 2011; 49 (1): 15.
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Unemori M, Matsuya Y, Akashi A, Goto Y, Akamine A. Composite resin restoration and postoperative sensitivity: clinical follow-up in an undergraduate program. J Dent. 2001; 29 (1): 7-13.
El-Araby A, Al-Jabab A. The influence of some dentin primers on calcium hydroxide lining cement. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2005; 6 (2): 1-9.
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Tjäderhane L. The mechanism of pulpal wound healing. Aust Endod J. 2002; 28 (2): 68-74.
de Souza Costa CA, Duarte PT, de Souza PP, Giro EM, Hebling J. Cytotoxic effects and pulpal response caused by a mineral trioxide aggregate formulation and calcium hydroxide. Am J Dent. 2008; 21 (4): 255-261.
Sawicki L, Pameijer CH, Emerich K, Adamowicz-Klepalska B. Histological evaluation of mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium hydroxide in direct pulp capping of human immature permanent teeth. Am J Dent. 2008; 21 (4): 262-266.
Tziafas D, Smith AJ, Lesot H. Designing new treatment strategies in vital pulp therapy. J Dent. 2000; 28 (2): 77-92.
Pereira JC, Stanley HR. Pulp capping: influence of the exposure site on pulp healing histologic and radiographic study in dogs’ pulp. J Endod. 1981; 7 (5): 213-223.
Kitasako Y, Shibata S, Cox CF, Tagami J. Location, arrangement and possible function of interodontoblastic collagen fibres in association with calcium hydroxide-induced hard tissue bridges. Int Endod J. 2002; 35 (12): 996-1004.
Accorinte ML, Loguercio AD, Reis A, Carnerio E, Grande RH, Murata SS, Holland R. Response of human dental pulp capped with MTA and calcium hydroxide powder. Oper Dent. 2008; 33 (5): 488-495.
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Pereira JC, Segala AD, Costa CA. Human pulpal response to direct pulp capping with an adhesive system. Am J Dent. 2000; 13 (3): 139-147.
Olsson H, Petersson K, Rohlin M. Formation of a hard tissue barrier after pulp capping in humans. A systematic review. Int Endod J. 2006; 39 (6): 429-442.
Graham L, Cooper PR, Cassidy N, Nör JE, Sloan AJ, Smith AJ. The effect of calcium hydroxide on solubilisation of bio-active dentine matrix components. Biomaterials. 2006; 27 (14): 2865-2873.
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Hebling J, Giro EM, Costa CA. Human pulp response after an adhesive system application in deep cavities. J Dent 1999; 27(8): 557-64.
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Chen RS, Liu CC, Tseng WY, Jeng JH, Lin CP. Cytotoxicity of three dentin bonding agents on human dental pulp cells. J Dent. 2003; 31 (3): 223-9.
Accorinte ML, Loguercio AD, Reis A, Muench A, de Araujo VC. Adverse effects of human pulps after direct pulp capping with the different components from a total-etch, three-step adhesive system. Dent Mater. 2005; 21 (7): 599-607.
Cavalcanti BN, Rode SM, Marques MM. Cytotoxicity of substances leached or dissolved from pulp capping materials. Int Endod J. 2005; 38 (8): 505-509.
Koliniotou-Koumpia E, Tziafas D. Pulpal responses following direct pulp capping of healthy dog teeth with dentine adhesive systems. J Dent. 2005; 33 (8): 639-647.
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Gandolfi MG, Van Landuyt K, Taddei P et al. Environmental scanning electron microscopy connected with energy dispersive X-ray analysis and Raman techniques to study ProRoot mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium silicate cements in wet conditions and in real time. J Endod. 2010; 36: 851-857.
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