2005, Número 3
Cortisol en saliva, orina y heces: evaluación no invasiva en mamíferos silvestres
Brousset Hernández-Jáuregui DM, Galindo MF, Valdez PRA, Romano PM, Schuneman AA
Idioma: Español/Inglés
Referencias bibliográficas: 170
Paginas: 225-237
Archivo PDF: 436.48 Kb.
La evaluación de glucocorticoides a partir de muestras obtenidas en forma no invasiva ha abierto la posibilidad de llevar a cabo estas determinaciones en las especies de mamíferos silvestres, lo cual ha facilitado los estudios sobre estrés y el impacto de diferentes estímulos. Una proporción de las hormonas esteroides puede aparecer en la saliva y todas se metabolizan para ser eliminadas a través de la orina y las heces. Los metabolitos que aparecen en la orina son generalmente conjugados, a diferencia de los de las heces; sin embargo, la ruta de excreción y el tipo de metabolitos presentes varía considerablemente entre especies, por lo que es necesario estandarizar la prueba en cada caso. La evaluación de estos esteroides se realiza a través de pruebas de inmunoanálisis como el radioinmunoanálisis (RIA), enzimainmunoanálisis (EIA) y pruebas inmunoabsorbentes de unión enzimática (ELISA). Esta evaluación longitudinal se ha utilizado para valorar respuestas a cambios en el tipo de manejo, la introducción de nuevos animales, manipulaciones ambientales, transporte, reubicación, procedimientos veterinarios o de reproducción asistida.
Brown JL, Wildt DE. Assessing reproductive status in wild felids by noninvasive faecal steroid monitoring. Int Zoo Yb 1997; 35:173-191.
Wingfield JC, Hunt K, Breuner C, Dunlap K, Fowler GS, Freed L, et al. Environmental stress, field endocrinology and conservation biology. In: Clemmons JR, Buchkolz editors. Behavioral approaches to Conservation in the wild. Cambridge: University Press, UK; 1997: 95-131.
W3. asser SK, Hunt KE, Brown JL, Cooper K, Crockett CM, Bechert U, et al. A generalized fecal glucocorticoid assay for use in a diverse array of nondomestic mammalian and avian species. Endocrinology 2000; 120: 260-275.
Dantzer R, Mormede P. Stress in farm animals: a need for reevaluation. J Anim Sci 1983; 57:6-18.
Knol BW. Stress and the endocrine hypothalamus-pituitary-testis system: a review. Vet Q 1991; 13:104-114.
Rivier C, Rivest S. Effect of stress on the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis: peripheral and central mechanism; a review. Biol Reprod 1991; 45:523-532.
Stratakin CA, Chrousos GP. Neuroendocrinology and pathophysiology of the stress system. In Stress, basic mechanism and clinical implications. Ann N Y Acad S 1995; (771): 1-18.
Moodie EM, Chamove AS. Brief threatening events beneficial for captive tamarins? Zoo Biol 1990; 9:275-286.
Wingfield JC, Ramenofsky M. Hormones and the behavioral ecology of stress. In: Balm PHM, editor. Stress physiology in animals. England Sheffield Academic Press-CRC Press; 1999:1-41.
Axelrod J, Reisine TD. Stress hormones: their interaction and regulation. Science 1984; 224:452-459.
Friend TH. Symposium response of animals to stress: behavioral aspects of stress. J Dairy Sci 1991; 74:292-303.
Kopin IJ. Definitions of stress and sympathetic neuronal response. In Stress, basic mechanism and clinical implications; Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1995; 771:19-30.
Clark JD, Rager DR, Calpin JP. Animal well-being III. Specific assessment criteria. Lab Anim Sci 1997b; 47: 586-596.
Guyton AC. Textbook of medical physiology. 8th ed Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co, 1991.
Broom DM, Johnson KG. Assessing welfare: short term responses. In: Broom DM, Johnson KG, editors. Stress and animal welfare, London: Chapman and Hall, 1993:87-144.
Broom DM. The scientific assessment of animal welfare. Appl Anim Behav Sci 1988; 20:5-19.
Moberg GP. Problems defining stress and distress in animals. J Am Vet Assoc 1987; 191:1207-1211.
Rushen J. Problems associated with the interpretation of physiological data in the assessment of animal welfare. App Anim Behav Sci 1991; 28:381-386.
Clark JD, Rager DR, Calpin JP. Animal well-being III. An overview of assessment. Lab Anim Sci 1997a ; 47: 580-585.
Strier KB, Ziegler TE, Wittwer DJ. Seasonal and social correlates of fecal testosterone and cortisol levels in wild male muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoids). Horm Behav 1999; 35:125-134.
Bélanger B, Couture J, Caron S, Boudou P, Fiet J, Bélanger A. Production and secretion of C19 steroids by rat and guinea pig adrenals. Steroids 1990; 55:360-365.
Brownie AC. The metabolism of adrenal cortical steroids. In: James VHT, editor. The adrenal gland. New York: Raven Press Ltd; 1992: 209-224.
Setchel KDR, Gontscharow NP, Axelson M, Sjövall J. The characterization of polar corticosteroids in the urine of the macaque monkey (Macaca fascicularis) and the baboon (Papio hamadryas). Acta Endocrinol 1975; 79:535-550.
Munck A, Guyre PM, Holbrook NJ. Physiological functions of glucocorticoids in stress and their relation to pharmacological actions. Endocr Rev 1984; 5:25-44.
Vylitová M, Miksik I, Pácha J. Metabolism of corticosteron in mammalian and avian intestine. Gen Comp Endocrinol 1998; 109:315-324.
Shille VM, Haggerty MA, Shackleton C, Lasley BL. Metabolites of estradiol in serum, bile, intestine and feces of the domestic cat (Felis catus). Theriogenology 1990; 34:779-794.
Senciall IR, Rahal S, Roberts R. Corticosteroid side chain oxidation and metabolism of 20-dihydro steroids and evidence for steroid acid formation by direct oxidation at C-21. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1992; 41:151-160.
Han A, Marandici A, Monder C. Metabolism of corticosterone in the mouse, identification of 11, 20 -dihydroxy-3-oxo-4-pregnen-21-oii acid as a major metabolite. J Biol Chem 1983; 258:13703-13707
Quinkler M, Kosmale B, Bahr V, Oelkers W, Diederich S. Evidence for isoforms of 11 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in the liver and kidney of the guinea pig. J Endocrinol 1998; 153:291-298.
Palme R, Möstl E, Brem G, Schellander K, Bamberg E. Faecal metabolites of infused 14C progesterone in domestic livestock. Reprod Domestic Anim 1997; 32:199-201.
Graham LH, Brown JL. Cortisol metabolism in the domestic cat and implications for noninvasive monitoring of adrenocortical function in endangered felids. Zoo Biol 1996; 15:71-82.
Bahr NI, Palme R, Mohle JK, Heistermann M. Comparative aspects of the metabolism of cortisol in three individual nonhuman primates. Gen Comp Endocrinol 2000; 117:427-438.
Setchel KDR, Shackleton CHL. The in vivo metabolism of cortisol and corticosterone by the macaque monkey (Macaca fascicularis). Acta Endocrinol 1973; 78:91-109.
Gimpel J, Lord A. Validation of faecal corticosteroid analysis. Proceedings of the International Society of Applied Ethology. 2000 Oct 17-20 Florianopolis, Brasil; Ramos A, Pinheiro MLC, Hötzel MJ, editors, Florianopolis; Brasil: Federal University of Santa Catarina, 2000: 137.
Teskey-Gerstl A, Bamberg E, Steineck T, Palme R. Excretion of corticosteroids in urine and feces of hares (Lepus europaeus). J Comp Physiol 2000; 170:163-168.
Schatz S, Palme R. Measurement of faecal cortisol metabolites in cats and dogs: a non-invasive method for evaluating adrenocortical function. Vet Res Commun 2001; 25:271-287.
Restrepo A, Armario A. Chronic stress alters pituitary-adrenal function in prepuberal male rats. Psychoneuroendocrinology 1987; 12:393-398.
Dantzer R. Animal welfare methodology and criteria. Rev Sci Tech 1994; 13:291-302.
Wildt DE. Male reproduction: assessment, management and control of fertility. In: Kleiman DG, Allen ME, Thompson KV, Lumpkin S, editors. Wild mammals in captivity. Chicago, Chicago Press; 1996:429-450.
Schiewe MC, Bush M, de Vos V, Brown JL, Wildt DE. Semen characteristics, sperm freezing and endocrine profiles in free-ranging wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) and greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) J Zoo Wildl Med 1991; 22:58-72.
Goyman W, Möstl E, van’t Hof T, East ML, Hofer H. Non-invasive fecal monitoring of glucocorticoides in spotted hyaenas Crocuta crocuta. Gen Comp Endocrinol 1999; 114:340-348.
Terio KA, Citino SB, Brown JL. Fecal cortisol metabolism analysis for noninvasive monitoring of adrenocortical function in the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) J Zoo Wildl Med 1999; 30:484-491.
Stillwell HJ, Brown JL, Graham LH. Assessment of a commercially available radioimmunoassay for the detection of fecal cortisol metabolites in several non domestic felid species. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians; 1996 November 3-8; Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. St Louis Missouri USA: Charlotte Kirk editor, AZV-AZCARM: 1996: 582-583.
Sapolsky RM. Individual differences in cortisol secretory patterns in the wild baboon: role of negative feedback sensitivity. Endocrinology 1983; 113:2263-2267.
Friend TH, Polan CE, Gwazdauskas FC, Heald CW. Adrenal glucocorticoid response to exogenous adrenocorticotropin mediated by density and social disruption in lactating cows. J Dairy Sci 1977; 60:1958-1963.
Nogueira GP, Silva JCR. Plasma cortisol levels in captive wild felines after chemical restraint. Braz J Med Biol Res 1997; 30:1359-1361.
Morton DJ, Anderson E, Foggin CM, Kock MD, Tiran EP. Plasma cortisol as an indicator of stress due to capture and translocation in wildlife species. Vet Rec 1995; 136:60-63.
Brown JL, Goodrowe KL, Simmons LG, Armstrong DL, Wildt DE. Evaluation of the pituitary-gonadal response to GnRH, and adrenal status in the leopard (Panthera pardus japonensis) and tiger (Panthera tigris). J Reprod Fertil 1988; 82:227-236.
Aubin DJ, Ridgway SH, Wells RS, Rhinehart H. Dolphin thyroid and adrenal hormones: circulating levels in wild and semidomesticated Tursiops truncatus, and influence of sex, age and season. Marine Mammal Sci 1996; 12:1-13.
Parrot RF, Misson BH, Baldwin BA. Salivary cortisol in pigs following adrenocorticotrophic hormone stimulation: comparison with plasma levels. Br Vet J 1989; 145:362-366.
De Jong IC, Prelle IT, Van de Burgwal JA, Lambooij E, Korte SM, Blokhuis HJ, et al. Effects of environmental enrichment on behavioral responses to novelty, learning and memory, and the circadian rhythm in cortisol in growing pigs. Physiol Behav 2000; 68:571-578.
Lutz CK, Tiefenbacher S, Jorgensen MJ, Meyer JS, Novak MA. Techniques for collecting saliva from awake, unrestrained, adult rhesus monkeys for cortisol assay. Am J Primatol 2000; 52:93-99.
Hodges JK. Determining and manipulating female reproductive parameters. In: Kleiman DG, Allen ME, Thompson KV, Lumpkin S, editors. Wild mammals in captivity, principles and techniques. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press; 1996; 418-428.
Lasley, BL. Methods for evaluating reproductive function in exotic species. Adv Vet Sci Comp Med 1985; 30: 209-228.
Goossens MMC, Meyer HP, Voorhout G, Sprang EPM. Urinary excretion of glucocorticoids in the diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism in cats. Dom Anim Endocrinol 1995; 12:355-362.
Korhonen H, Niemela P, Jauhiainen L, Tupasela T. Effects of space allowance and earthen floor on welfare-related physiological and behavioural responses in male blue foxes. Physiol Behav 2000; 69:571-580.
Crockett CM, Shimoji M, Bowden DM. Behavior, appetite and urinary cortisol responses by adult female pigtailed and longtailed macaques to cage size, cage level, room changes and sedation. Am J Primatol 2000; 52:63-80.
Carlstead K, Brown JL, Monfort SL, Killens R, Wildt DE. Urinary monitoring of adrenal responses to psychological stressors in domestic and nondomestic felids. Zoo Biol 1992; 11:165-176.
Bahr NI, Pryce CR, Dobeli M, Martin RD. Evidence from urinary cortisol that maternal behavior is related to stress in gorillas. Physiol Behav 1998; 64:429-437.
Carlstead K, Brown JL, Seidensticker J. Behavioral and adrenocortical responses to environmental changes in leopard cats (Felis bengalensis). Zoo Biol 1993; 12:321-331.
Palme R, Fischer P, Schildorfer H, Ismail MN: Excretion of infused 14C-steroid hormones via feces and urine in domestic livestock. Anim Reprod Sci 1996; 43:43-63.
Adams NR, Abordi JA, Briegel JR, Sanders MR. Effect of diet on the clearance of estradiol-17 in the ewe. Biol Reprod 1994; 51:668-674.
Wasser SK, Thomas R, Nair PP, Guidry C, Southers J, Lucas J, et al. Effects of dietary fiber on faecal steroid measurements in baboons (Papio cynocephalus cynocephalus). J Reprod Fertil 1993; 97:569-574.
McLeod PJ, Moger WH, Ryon J, Gadbois S, Fentress JC. The relation between urinary cortisol levels and social behavior in captive timber wolves. Can J Zool 1996; 74:209-216.
Morais, RN, Mucciolo RG, Gomes ML, Lacerda O, Moraes W, Moreira N, et al. Adrenal activity assessed by fecal corticoids and male reproductive traits in three South American felid species. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians; 1996 November 3-8; Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. St Louis Missouri USA: Charlotte Kirk editor, AZV-AZCARM: 1996: 220-223.
Jurke MH, Czekala NM, Lindburg DG, Millard SE. Fecal corticoid metabolite measurement in the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus). Zoo Biol 1997; 16:133-147.
Wallner B, Möstl E, Dittami J, Prossinger H. Fecal glucocorticoids document stress in female Barbary machaques (Macaca sylvanus). Gen Comp Endocrinol 1999; 113:80-86.
Möstl E, Palme R. Hormones as indicators of stress. Dom Anim Endocrinol 2002; 23:67-74
Creel S. Social dominance and stress hormones. Ecol Evol 2001; 16:491-497.
Schwarzenberger F, Kolter L, Zimmermann W, Rietschel W, Matern B, Bircher, P et al. Faecal cortisol metabolite measurement in the okapi (Okapia johnstoni). Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Physiology and Ethology of Wild and Zoo Animals Hofer H editor, Institute of Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin 1998, Oct 7-10.
Foley CAH, Papageorge S, Wasser SK. Noninvasive stress and reproductive measures of social and ecological pressure in free-ranging elephants (Loxodonta africana). Conserv Biol 2001; 15:1134-1142.
Stead SK, Meltzer DG, Palme R. The measurement of glucocorticoid concentrations in the serum and feces of captive African elephants (Loxodonta africana) after ACTH stimulation. J S Afr Vet Assoc 2000; 71:192-196.
Whitten PL, Stavisky R, Aurell F, Russell E. Response of fecal cortisol to stress in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Am J Primatol 1998; 44:57-69.
Boinski S, Swing SP, Gross TS, Davis JK. Environmental enrichment of brown capuchins (Cebus paella): behavioral and plasma and fecal cortisol measures of effectiveness. Am J Primatol 1999; 48:49-68.
Ziegler TE, Scheffler G, Snowdon CT. The relationship of cortisol levels to social environment and reproductive functioning in female cotton-top tamarins, Saguinus oedipus. Horm Behav 1995; 29:407-424.
Smith TE, French JA. Social and reproductive conditions modulate urinary cortisol excretion in black tufted-ear marmosets (Callithrix kuhli). Am J Primatol 1997; 42:253-267.
Sousa MB, Ziegler TE. Diurnal variation on the excretion patterns of fecal steroids in common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) females. Am J Primatol 1998; 46:105-117.
Cavigelli SA. Behavioural patterns associated with faecal cortisol levels in free-ranging female ring-tailed lemurs, Lemur catta. Anim Behav 1999; 57:935-944.
Wielebnowski NC, Fletchall N, Carlstead K, Busso JM, Brown JL. Noninvasive assessment of adrenal activity associated with husbandry and behavioral factors in the North American clouded leopard population. Zoo Biol 2002; 21:77-98.
Creel S. Social stress and dominance. Nature 1996; 379: 212.
Creel S, Creel NM, Monfort SL. Rank and reproduction on cooperatively breeding African wild dogs: behavioral and endocrine correlates. Behav Ecol 1997; 8:298-306.
Creel S, Creel NM, Monfort SL. Radiocollaring and stress hormones in African wild dogs. Conserv Biol 1997; 11:544-548.
Monfort SL, Mashburn KL, Brewer BA, Creel SR. Evaluating adrenal activity in African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) by fecal corticosteroid analysis. J Zoo Wildl Med 1998; 29:129-133.
D Agostino J. Steroid metabolites as an indicator of chronic stress. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Physiology and Ethology of Wild and Zoo Animals. Hofer H, editor, Institute of Zoo and Wildlife Research, Berlin 1998, Oct 7-10.
Creel S, Creel NM, Monfort SL. Behavioral and endocrine mechanisms of reproductive suppression in Serengeti dwarf mongoose. Anim Behav 1992; 43:231-245.suppression in Serengeti dwarf mongoose. Anim Behav 1992; 43:231-245.
Brown JL, Wildt DE. Assessing reproductive status in wild felids by noninvasive faecal steroid monitoring. Int Zoo Yb 1997; 35:173-191.
Wingfield JC, Hunt K, Breuner C, Dunlap K, Fowler GS, Freed L, et al. Environmental stress, field endocrinology and conservation biology. In: Clemmons JR, Buchkolz editors. Behavioral approaches to Conservation in the wild. Cambridge: University Press, UK; 1997: 95-131.
Wasser SK, Hunt KE, Brown JL, Cooper K, Crockett CM, Bechert U, et al. A generalized fecal glucocorticoid assay for use in a diverse array of nondomestic mammalian and avian species. Endocrinology 2000; 120: 260-275.
Dantzer R, Mormede P. Stress in farm animals: a need for reevaluation. J Anim Sci 1983; 57:6-18.
Knol BW. Stress and the endocrine hypothalamus-pituitary-testis system: a review. Vet Q 1991; 13:104-114.
Rivier C, Rivest S. Effect of stress on the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis: peripheral and central mechanism; a review. Biol Reprod 1991; 45:523-532.
Stratakin CA, Chrousos GP. Neuroendocrinology and pathophysiology of the stress system. In Stress, basic mechanism and clinical implications. Ann N Y Acad S 1995; (771): 1-18.
Moodie EM, Chamove AS. Brief threatening events beneficial for captive tamarins? Zoo Biol 1990; 9:275-286.
Wingfield JC, Ramenofsky M. Hormones and the behavioral ecology of stress. In: Balm PHM, editor. Stress physiology in animals. England Sheffield Academic Press-CRC Press; 1999:1-41.
Axelrod J, Reisine TD. Stress hormones: their interaction and regulation. Science 1984; 224:452-459.
Friend TH. Symposium response of animals to stress: behavioral aspects of stress. J Dairy Sci 1991; 74:292-303.
Kopin IJ. Definitions of stress and sympathetic neuronal response. In Stress, basic mechanism and clinical implications; Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1995; 771:19-30.
Clark JD, Rager DR, Calpin JP. Animal well-being III. Specific assessment criteria. Lab Anim Sci 1997b; 47: 586-596.
Guyton AC. Textbook of medical physiology. 8th ed Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co, 1991.
Broom DM, Johnson KG. Assessing welfare: short term responses. In: Broom DM, Johnson KG, editors. Stress and animal welfare, London: Chapman and Hall, 1993:87-144.
Broom DM. The scientific assessment of animal welfare. Appl Anim Behav Sci 1988; 20:5-19.
Moberg GP. Problems defining stress and distress in animals. J Am Vet Assoc 1987; 191:1207-1211.
Rushen J. Problems associated with the interpretation of physiological data in the assessment of animal welfare. App Anim Behav Sci 1991; 28:381-386.
Clark JD, Rager DR, Calpin JP. Animal well-being III. An overview of assessment. Lab Anim Sci 1997a; 47:580-585.
Strier KB, Ziegler TE, Wittwer DJ. Seasonal and social correlates of fecal testosterone and cortisol levels in wild male muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoids). Horm Behav 1999; 35:125-134.
Bélanger B, Couture J, Caron S, Boudou P, Fiet J, Bélanger A. Production and secretion of C19 steroids by rat and guinea pig adrenals. Steroids 1990; 55:360-365.
Brownie AC. The metabolism of adrenal cortical steroids. In: James VHT, editor. The adrenal gland. New York: Raven Press Ltd; 1992: 209-224.
Setchel KDR, Gontscharow NP, Axelson M, Sjövall J. The characterization of polar corticosteroids in the urine of the macaque monkey (Macaca fascicularis) and the baboon (Papio hamadryas). Acta Endocrinol 1975; 79:535-550.
Munck A, Guyre PM, Holbrook NJ. Physiological functions of glucocorticoids in stress and their relation to pharmacological actions. Endocr Rev 1984; 5:25-44.
Vylitová M, Miksik I, Pácha J. Metabolism of corticosteron in mammalian and avian intestine. Gen Comp Endocrinol 1998; 109:315-324.
Shille VM, Haggerty MA, Shackleton C, Lasley BL. Metabolites of estradiol in serum, bile, intestine and feces of the domestic cat (Felis catus). Theriogenology 1990; 34:779-794.
Senciall IR, Rahal S, Roberts R. Corticosteroid side chain oxidation and metabolism of 20-dihydro steroids and evidence for steroid acid formation by direct oxidation at C-21. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1992; 41:151-160.
Han A, Marandici A, Monder C. Metabolism of corticosterone in the mouse, identification of 11, 20 -dihydroxy-3-oxo-4-pregnen-21-oii acid as a major metabolite. J Biol Chem 1983; 258:13703-13707
Quinkler M, Kosmale B, Bahr V, Oelkers W, Diederich S. Evidence for isoforms of 11 -hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in the liver and kidney of the guinea pig. J Endocrinol 1998; 153:291-298.
Palme R, Möstl E, Brem G, Schellander K, Bamberg E. Faecal metabolites of infused 14C progesterone in domestic livestock. Reprod Domestic Anim 1997; 32:199-201.
Graham LH, Brown JL. Cortisol metabolism in the domestic cat and implications for noninvasive monitoring of adrenocortical function in endangered felids. Zoo Biol 1996; 15:71-82.
Bahr NI, Palme R, Mohle JK, Heistermann M. Comparative aspects of the metabolism of cortisol in three individual nonhuman primates. Gen Comp Endocrinol 2000; 117:427-438.
Setchel KDR, Shackleton CHL. The in vivo metabolism of cortisol and corticosterone by the macaque monkey (Macaca fascicularis). Acta Endocrinol 1973; 78:91-109.
Gimpel J, Lord A. Validation of faecal corticosteroid analysis. Proceedings of the International Society of Applied Ethology. 2000 Oct 17-20 Florianopolis, Brasil; Ramos A, Pinheiro MLC, Hötzel MJ, editors, Florianopolis; Brasil: Federal University of Santa Catarina, 2000: 137.
Teskey-Gerstl A, Bamberg E, Steineck T, Palme R. Excretion of corticosteroids in urine and feces of hares (Lepus europaeus). J Comp Physiol 2000; 170:163-168.
Schatz S, Palme R. Measurement of faecal cortisol metabolites in cats and dogs: a non-invasive method for evaluating adrenocortical function. Vet Res Commun 2001; 25:271-287.
Restrepo A, Armario A. Chronic stress alters pituitary-adrenal function in prepuberal male rats. Psychoneuroendocrinology 1987; 12:393-398.
Dantzer R. Animal welfare methodology and criteria. Rev Sci Tech 1994; 13:291-302.
Wildt DE. Male reproduction: assessment, management and control of fertility. In: Kleiman DG, Allen ME, Thompson KV, Lumpkin S, editors. Wild mammals in captivity. Chicago, Chicago Press; 1996:429-450.
Schiewe MC, Bush M, de Vos V, Brown JL, Wildt DE. Semen characteristics, sperm freezing and endocrine profiles in free-ranging wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) and greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) J Zoo Wildl Med 1991; 22:58-72.
Goyman W, Möstl E, van’t Hof T, East ML, Hofer H. Non-invasive fecal monitoring of glucocorticoides in spotted hyaenas Crocuta crocuta. Gen Comp Endocrinol 1999; 114:340-348.
Terio KA, Citino SB, Brown JL. Fecal cortisol metabolism analysis for noninvasive monitoring of adrenocortical function in the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) J Zoo Wildl Med 1999; 30:484-491.
Stillwell HJ, Brown JL, Graham LH. Assessment of a commercially available radioimmunoassay for the detection of fecal cortisol metabolites in several non domestic felid species. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians; 1996 November 3-8; Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. St Louis Missouri USA: Charlotte Kirk editor, AZV-AZCARM: 1996: 582-583.
Sapolsky RM. Individual differences in cortisol secretory patterns in the wild baboon: role of negative feedback sensitivity. Endocrinology 1983; 113:2263-2267.
Friend TH, Polan CE, Gwazdauskas FC, Heald CW. Adrenal glucocorticoid response to exogenous adrenocorticotropin mediated by density and social disruption in lactating cows. J Dairy Sci 1977; 60:1958-1963.
Nogueira GP, Silva JCR. Plasma cortisol levels in captive wild felines after chemical restraint. Braz J Med Biol Res 1997; 30:1359-1361.
Morton DJ, Anderson E, Foggin CM, Kock MD, Tiran EP. Plasma cortisol as an indicator of stress due to capture and translocation in wildlife species. Vet Rec 1995; 136:60-63.
Brown JL, Goodrowe KL, Simmons LG, Armstrong DL, Wildt DE. Evaluation of the pituitary-gonadal response to GnRH, and adrenal status in the leopard (Panthera pardus japonensis) and tiger (Panthera tigris). J Reprod Fertil 1988; 82:227-236.
Aubin DJ, Ridgway SH, Wells RS, Rhinehart H. Dolphin thyroid and adrenal hormones: circulating levels in wild and semidomesticated Tursiops truncatus, and influence of sex, age and season. Marine Mammal Sci 1996; 12:1-13.
Parrot RF, Misson BH, Baldwin BA. Salivary cortisol in pigs following adrenocorticotrophic hormone stimulation: comparison with plasma levels. Br Vet J 1989; 145:362-366.
De Jong IC, Prelle IT, Van de Burgwal JA, Lambooij E, Korte SM, Blokhuis HJ, et al. Effects of environmental enrichment on behavioral responses to novelty, learning and memory, and the circadian rhythm in cortisol in growing pigs. Physiol Behav 2000; 68:571-578.
Lutz CK, Tiefenbacher S, Jorgensen MJ, Meyer JS, Novak MA. Techniques for collecting saliva from awake, unrestrained, adult rhesus monkeys for cortisol assay. Am J Primatol 2000; 52:93-99.
Hodges JK. Determining and manipulating female reproductive parameters. In: Kleiman DG, Allen ME, Thompson KV, Lumpkin S, editors. Wild mammals in captivity, principles and techniques. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press; 1996; 418-428.
Lasley, BL. Methods for evaluating reproductive function in exotic species. Adv Vet Sci Comp Med 1985; 30: 209-228.
Goossens MMC, Meyer HP, Voorhout G, Sprang EPM. Urinary excretion of glucocorticoids in the diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism in cats. Dom Anim Endocrinol 1995; 12:355-362.
Korhonen H, Niemela P, Jauhiainen L, Tupasela T. Effects of space allowance and earthen floor on welfare-related physiological and behavioural responses in male blue foxes. Physiol Behav 2000; 69:571-580.
Crockett CM, Shimoji M, Bowden DM. Behavior, appetite and urinary cortisol responses by adult female pigtailed and longtailed macaques to cage size, cage level, room changes and sedation. Am J Primatol 2000; 52:63-80.
Carlstead K, Brown JL, Monfort SL, Killens R, Wildt DE. Urinary monitoring of adrenal responses to psychological stressors in domestic and nondomestic felids. Zoo Biol 1992; 11:165-176.
Bahr NI, Pryce CR, Dobeli M, Martin RD. Evidence from urinary cortisol that maternal behavior is related to stress in gorillas. Physiol Behav 1998; 64:429-437.
Carlstead K, Brown JL, Seidensticker J. Behavioral and adrenocortical responses to environmental changes in leopard cats (Felis bengalensis). Zoo Biol 1993; 12:321-331.
Palme R, Fischer P, Schildorfer H, Ismail MN: Excretion of infused 14C-steroid hormones via feces and urine in domestic livestock. Anim Reprod Sci 1996; 43:43-63.
Adams NR, Abordi JA, Briegel JR, Sanders MR. Effect of diet on the clearance of estradiol-17 in the ewe. Biol Reprod 1994; 51:668-674.
Wasser SK, Thomas R, Nair PP, Guidry C, Southers J, Lucas J, et al. Effects of dietary fiber on faecal steroid measurements in baboons (Papio cynocephalus cynocephalus). J Reprod Fertil 1993; 97:569-574.
McLeod PJ, Moger WH, Ryon J, Gadbois S, Fentress JC. The relation between urinary cortisol levels and social behavior in captive timber wolves. Can J Zool 1996; 74:209-216.
Morais, RN, Mucciolo RG, Gomes ML, Lacerda O, Moraes W, Moreira N, et al. Adrenal activity assessed by fecal corticoids and male reproductive traits in three South American felid species. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians; 1996 November 3-8; Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. St Louis Missouri USA: Charlotte Kirk editor, AZV-AZCARM: 1996: 220-223.
Jurke MH, Czekala NM, Lindburg DG, Millard SE. Fecal corticoid metabolite measurement in the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus). Zoo Biol 1997; 16:133-147.
Wallner B, Möstl E, Dittami J, Prossinger H. Fecal glucocorticoids document stress in female Barbary machaques (Macaca sylvanus). Gen Comp Endocrinol 1999; 113:80-86.
Möstl E, Palme R. Hormones as indicators of stress. Dom Anim Endocrinol 2002; 23:67-74
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