2013, Número 5
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2013; 51 (5)
Mejoría clínica de la neuropatía diabética con carbamazepina o diclofenaco
Tinoco-Samos A, Córdova-Pérez N, Arenas-Téllez JM, Vargas-Girón A, Zárate A, Hernández-Valencia M
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 18
Paginas: 496-501
Archivo PDF: 115.49 Kb.
Background: diabetic neuropathy (DN) affects diverse aspects of
patient´s life and there is not an optimal treatment. It was done a comparative
study of clinical improvement of DN with carbamazepine versus
diclofenac was done.
Methods: a prospective and longitudinal study, of two groups with signs
and symptoms of DN was done. One group had 30 patients who used
carbamazepine with an initial dose of 200 mg, every 24 hours for one
week, with a gradual increase of up to 200 mg every 6 hours for 10
months. The other group had 29 patients who used diclofenac sodium
100 mg every 12 hours. Bimonthly evaluations were made to graduate
the pain according to the patients’ perception and laboratory studies that
included glucose and lipids profi le. The statistical test used was ANOVA.
Results: the patients who used carbamazepine presented absence of
pain after 10 months compared with the diclofenac group (
p ‹ 0.01). The
presence of cramps, muscular strength, pulses, perception of temperature
and pressure improved signifi cantly (
p ‹ 0.05) with the use of carbamazepine.
On the other hand, muscular strength, tact and perception of
temperature were even deteriorated with the use of diclofenac.
Conclusions: it is important to provide the appropriate treatment to diabetic
patients with DN.
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