2012, Número 3
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Rev Mex Cir Endoscop 2012; 13 (3)
Transumbilical endoscopic surgery (TUES): another option towards scarless abdominal surgery
Fan ZJ, Hu H, Zhang MY, Zhu XM, Ling YJ
Idioma: Ingles.
Referencias bibliográficas: 16
Paginas: 139-145
Archivo PDF: 118.17 Kb.
Many researchers are showing great interest in natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) for its advantages of decreased trauma and better cosmetic results during recent years. Another option known as transumbilical endoscopic surgery (TUES) has arisen at almost the same time. We herein introduce our preliminary work in transumbilical endoscopic surgery (TUES) both in animal research and clinical date. Eight domestic pigs were submitted to transumbilical endoscopic cholecystectomy. All the gallbladders were removed successfully in the eight pigs without severe bleeding during dissection, intraoperative and postoperative complications.
Post mortem examination revealed that the gallbladder fossa was clean, the clips on the cystic duct and artery were secure, and that neither bile nor blood leakage was found at the operative field. Transumbilical abdominal exploration, liver cyst fenestration, appendectomy and cholecystectomy were completed successfully in 41 cases of bleeding ascites, liver cysts, chronic appendicitis and gallbladder diseases. No postoperative bleeding or bile leakage occurred in this group of patients. We conclude that transumbilical endoscopic surgery is feasible, and would be another option for scarless abdominal surgery. TUES cholecystectomy is technically challenging. Careful selection of patients is important at the beginning period of this technique.
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