2010, Número s1
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Cir Gen 2010; 32 (s1)
Manejo del abdomen abierto. Los mejores resultados
Arenas MH
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 19
Paginas: 43-45
Archivo PDF: 80.15 Kb.
El abdomen abierto es una estrategia quirúrgica que ha resultado del avance en el manejo operatorio del paciente con infección intraabdominal complicada o trauma abdominal grave para el control de los daños.
Los beneficios del abdomen abierto incluyen: la prevención de la hipertensión intraabdominal y el síndrome abdominal compartimental; la identificación temprana de complicaciones intraabdominales (fuga de anastomosis, isquemia intestinal), y la preservación de una fascia abdominal intacta para un cierre subsecuente.
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Barker DE, Green JM, Maxwell RA, Smith PW, Mejia V, Dart BW, Cofer JB, Roe SM, Burns RP. Experience with vacuum-pack temporary abdominal wound closure in 258 trauma and general and vascular surgical patients. J Am Coll Surg 2007; 204: 784-793.
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Pérez D, Wildi S, Demartines N, Bramkamp M, Koehler C, Clavien PA. Prospective evaluation of vacuum-assisted closure in abdominal compartment syndrome and severe abdominal sepsis. J Am Coll Surg 2007; 205: 586-592.
Schecter WP, Ivatury RR, Rotondo MF, Hirshberg A. Open abdomen after trauma and abdominal sepsis: A strategy for management. J Am Coll Surg 2006; 203: 390-396.
Boele van Hensbroek P, Wind J, Dijkgraaf MGW, et al. Temporary closure of the open abdomen: A systematic review on delayed primary fascial closure in patients with an open abdomen. World J Surg 2009; 33: 199-207.
Petersson U, Acosta S, Bjorck M. Vacuum-assisted wound closure and mesh-mediated fascial traction. A novel technique for late closure of the open abdomen. World J Surg 2007; 31: 2133-2137.
Wainstein DE, Fernández E, González D, et al. Treatment of high-output entero cutaneous fistulas with a vacuum-compaction device. A ten-year experience. World J Surg 2008; 32: 430-435.
Weinberg JA, George RL, Griffin RL, Stewart AH, et al. Closing the open abdomen: Improved success with Wittmann patch staged abdominal closure. The Journal of Trauma 2008, 65: 345-348.
Fantus R, Mellett MM, Kirby JP. Use of controlled fascial tension and an adhesion preventing barrier to achieve delayed primary fascial closure in patients managed with an open abdomen. The Am J of Surgery 2006; 192: 243-247.
Haded JG, Staman GW, Sariol HS, Kumar S, Ross SE. Delayed primary closure in damage control laparotomy: The value of the Wittmann patch. The Am Surg 2007; 73: 10-12.
Connolly PT, Teubner A, Lees NP, Anderson IA, Scott NA, Carlson GL. Outcome of reconstructive surgery for intestinal fistula in the open abdomen. Annals of Surgery 2008; 247: 440-444.
Rao M, Burke D, Finan PJ, Sagar PM, The use of vacuum-assisted closure of abdominal wounds: A word of caution. Colo-rectal Dis 2007; 9: 266-268.
Fischer JE. A cautionary note: The use of vacuum-assisted closure systems in the treatment of gastrointestinal cutaneous fistula may be associated with higher mortality from subsequent fistula development. Am J Surg 2008; 196: 1-2.
Schecter WP, Hirshberg A, Chang DS, Harris HW, Napolitano LM, Wexner SD, Dudrick SJ. Enteric fistulas: Principles of management. J Am Coll Surg 2009; 209: 484-491.
Arenas MH, Anaya PR, Munguía TD, Barrera ZL, Arenas MD, Chávez PR. Fístula enterocutánea vs fuga anastomosis postoperatoria. Cir Gen 2009; 31: S68-S72.
Arenas MH, Anaya PR, Barrera ZL, Munguía TD. Abdomen abierto. Estrategias de manejo. En: Mayagoitia JC. Hernias de la pared abdominal. Tratamiento actual. 2da. Edición. Editorial Alfil. 2009; 51: 429-441.
Cheatham ML, Safcsak K, Brzezinski SJ, et al. Nitrogen balance, protein loss, and the open abdomen. Crit Care Med 2007; 35: 127-131.
Collier B, Guillamondegui O, Cotton B, et al. Feeding the open abdomen. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2007; 31: 410-415.