2022, Número 3
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Rev Cubana Farm 2022; 55 (3)
Caracterización del proceso extractivo por maceración mediante un diseño factorial fraccionado en Nephelium lappaceum L.
Valdez LLL, Gutiérrez GYI, García MV, Nieto AOM
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 39
Paginas: 1-17
Archivo PDF: 855.87 Kb.
Introduction: The extraction processes play a fundamental role in the initial studies of
medicinal plants and are closely related to the quality and performance of active ingredients.
The variety of phytochemicals that N. lappaceum L. has, arouses interest in carrying out
studies focused on the development of extractive processes from the peel of the fruit,
depending on the sweet and bitter varieties. In addition, the Ecuadorian species has not been
Objective: To assess the effect and interactions of some variables that influence the
extraction process by maceration applied to the shell of the fruits of the species N.
lappaceum L.
Methods: A fractional factorial design 25-2, of resolution III, was developed with 3 replicas
and 24 experimental runs. Five factors (particle size, extraction time, extraction conditions,
species variety and extraction solvent) were evaluated on the variables pH responses and
total solids, in the maceration extraction process. Statistical software DX-11.0 (State-easy
Inc. Minneapolis) was used.
Results: In the experimental design, a desirability level of 97.10% was obtained, very close
to 100%. This suggested that the best conditions for extraction by maceration from N.
lappaceum L. are to work with a particle size of 0.5 mm, bitter variety, with stirring and the
use of 80% hydroalcoholic mixture. The extraction time did not exert a significant effect on
the extractive process. Significant differences were perceived in most of the
physicochemical parameters evaluated to the estimated extracts of the design.
Conclusions: The results provide novel data on the extraction by maceration applied to the
shell of the fruits of two varieties of N. lappaceum L. present in Ecuador, aspects that
contribute to the scientific knowledge of this species.
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