2020, Número 1
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Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl 2020; 40 (1)
37° Curso sobre injuria renal aguda y terapia de reemplazo renal continua. Vicenza, Italia
Lavorato M
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 18
Paginas: 76-80
Archivo PDF: 116.43 Kb.
Por trigésima séptima vez se desarrolló en la
ciudad de Vicenza, Italia, el curso de injuria renal
aguda y terapia de reemplazo renal continua
(AKI y CRRT respectivamente, por sus siglas
en inglés). El mismo se divide en dos “caminos”
principales -AKI y CRRT-, dándose las clases
en simultáneo en dos salones distintos. Aquí
presentaré una breve reseña de algunos conceptos
desarrollados en el curso.
Sawhney S, Fluck N, Fraser SD, Marks A, PrescottGJ, Roderick PJ, et al. KDIGO-based acute kidneyinjury criteria operate differently in hospitals and thecommunity-findings from a large population cohort.Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2016;31(6):922-9.
Leither MD, Murphy DP, Bicknese L, Reule S, VockDM, Ishani A, et al. The impact of outpatient acutekidney injury on mortality and chronic kidney disease:a retrospective cohort study. Nephrol Dial Transplant.2019;34(3):493-501.
Chawla LS, Bellomo R, Bihorac A, Goldstein SL, SiewED, Bagshaw SM, et al. Acute kidney disease and renalrecovery: consensus report of the Acute Disease QualityInitiative (ADQI) 16 Workgroup. Nat Rev Nephrol.2017;13(4):241-57.
James MT, Levey AS, Tonelli M, Tan Z, Barry R, PannuN, et al. Incidence and prognosis of acute kidney diseasesand disorders using an integrated approach to laboratorymeasurements in a universal health care system. JAMANetw Open. 2019;2(4):e191795.
Meersch M, Schmidt C, Hoffmeier A, Van Aken H,Wempe C, Gerss J, et al. Prevention of cardiac surgeryassociatedAKI by implementing the KDIGO guidelinesin high risk patients identified by biomarkers: thePrevAKI randomized controlled trial. Intensive CareMed. 2017;43(11):1551-1561.
Göcze I, Jauch D, Götz M, Kennedy P, Jung B,Zeman F, et al. Biomarker-guided intervention toprevent acute kidney injury after major surgery: theprospective randomized BigpAK Study. Ann Surg.2018;267(6):1013-20.
Zarbock A, Schmidt C, Van Aken H, Wempe C,Martens S, Zahn PK, et al. Effect of remote ischemicpreconditioning on kidney injury among high-riskpatients undergoing cardiac surgery: a randomizedclinical trial. JAMA. 2015;313(21):2133-41.
Ma S, Evans RG, Iguchi N, Tare M, Parkington HC,Bellomo R, et al. Sepsis-induced acute kidney injury:A disease of the microcirculation. Microcirculation.2019;26(2):e12483.
Chawla LS, Davison DL, Brasha-Mitchell E, KoynerJL, Arthur JM, Shaw AD, et al. Development andstandardization of a furosemide stress test to predictthe severity of acute kidney injury. Crit Care. 2013 Sep20;17(5):R207.
Rewa OG, Bagshaw SM, Wang X, Wald R, Smith O,Shapiro J, et al. The furosemide stress test for predictionof worsening acute kidney injury in critically ill patients:A multicenter, prospective, observational study. J CritCare. 2019;52:109-14.
Selby NM, Casula A, Lamming L, Stoves J,Samarasinghe Y, Lewington AJ, et al. An organizationallevelprogram of intervention for AKI: a pragmaticstepped wedge cluster randomized trial. J Am SocNephrol. 2019;30(3):505-15.
Al-Jaghbeer M, Dealmeida D, Bilderback A, AmbrosinoR, Kellum JA. Clinical decision support for in-hospitalAKI. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2018;29(2):654-60.
Kashani K, Rosner MH, Haase M, Lewington AJP,O’Donoghue DJ, Wilson FP, et al. Quality improvementgoals for acute kidney injury. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol.2019;14(6):941-953.
Kashani K, Al-Khafaji A, Ardiles T, Artigas A, BagshawSM, Bell M, et al. Discovery and validation of cell cyclearrest biomarkers in human acute kidney injury. CritCare. 2013;17(1):R25.
Xie Y, Ankawi G, Yang B, Garzotto F, Passannante A,Breglia A, et al. Tissue inhibitor metalloproteinase-2(TIMP-2) • IGF-binding protein-7 (IGFBP7) levelsare associated with adverse outcomes in patients in theintensive care unit with acute kidney injury. Kidney Int.2019;95(6):1486-93.
Husain-Syed F, Ferrari F, Sharma A, Danesi TH,Bezerra P, Lopez-Giacoman S, et al. Preoperative RenalFunctional Reserve Predicts Risk of Acute KidneyInjury After Cardiac Operation. Ann Thorac Surg.2018;105(4):1094-101.
Palsson R, Waikar SS. Renal functional reserve revisited.Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2018;25(3):e1-e8.
Sharma A, Mucino MJ, Ronco C. Renal functionalreserve and renal recovery after acute kidney injury.Nephron Clin Pract. 2014;127(1-4):94-100.