2021, Número 36
Caracterización de directivos del Programa de Atención Materno Infantil durante el 2013-2020
Idioma: Español
Referencias bibliográficas: 13
Paginas: 1-11
Archivo PDF: 405.22 Kb.
Introduction: Since the beginning of the sixties of the last century, the Mother and Child Care Program has been a priority of the Ministry of Public Health in Cuba. In order to improve the training of its managers, a training system was organized through different training modalities.Objectives: To characterize managers of the Maternal and Child Care Program who participated in different modalities provided in the 2013-2020 stage.
Methods: A descriptive and retrospective study was carried out, as well as a documentary review of the contents of the academic modalities taught. A questionnaire was applied to the 181 students who participated in the 2013-2020 courses that explored personal data, preparation for the position, usefulness and importance of the topics contained in courses received and learning needs.
Results: The managers surveyed were aged 45 years or older. Most of them were women, family physicians and held some teaching category. Not all were previously prepared for the position. They considered the time spent in the course received to be beneficial.
Conclusions: Managers of the Maternal and Child Care Program in this research are mostly women, physicians. They have little management experience, not all of them were previously trained and considered the contents of the courses given to be useful and interesting. However, they suggested the need to include other related topics.
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