2021, Number S3
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July-September, 2021; Volume 32: Number S3Cardiovasc Metab Sci 2021; 32 (S3)
Dyslipidemias, the deadly flagellum that harms the vesseis and the heart
Introductory remarks
Meaney, Eduardo; Nájera, Nayelli; Ceballos, Guillermo
Epidemiology and burden of morbidity and mortality in dyslipidemias and atherosclerosis
Borrayo-Sánchez, Gabriela
Knowing the basic mechanisms of lipid metabolism
Díaz-Aragón, Alejo; Ruiz-Gastelum, Edith; Álvarez-López, Humberto
Primary hypercholesterolemia. Familial hypercholesterolemia
Vázquez-Cárdenas, Norma Alejandra
Other forms of primary hypercholesterolemia. Familial combined hyperlipidemia and polygenic or common hypercholesterolemia
Díaz-Aragón, Alejo; Álvarez-López, Humberto; Ruiz-Gastelum, Edith
From endothelial dysfunction to complicated atherosclerotic plaque -the long journey of the more lethal disease of our times-
Meaney, Eduardo
Free radicals, oxidative stress and the Pandora box
Ceballos, Guillermo; Meaney, Eduardo; Ortiz-Flores, Miguel; Nájera, Nayelli
Diabetic dyslipidemia
Parcero-Valdés, Juan José
The art of interpretation (About dyslipidemias)
Enciso-Muñoz, José Manuel
Serum lipids evaluation, is it all done?
Ceballos, Guillermo; Nájera, Nayelli; Meaney, Eduardo; Ortiz-Flores, Miguel
Scientific rationale for the evolution of LDL-c goals
Guerrero-Martínez, Francisco Javier
An appropriate scale of atherosclerotic risk for Mexicans -in search of the Golden Fleece of epidemiological legitimacy-
Meaney, Eduardo; Martínez-Marroquín, Martha Yolanda; Nájera, Nayelli; Ceballos, Guillermo
Dietary interventions to control dyslipidemias and cardiovascular risk
Zárate-Chavarría, Elisa
Alcohol, tobacco, physical activity, duration and type of exercise recommended
Rodríguez-Gilabert, César
Dyslipidemia in women, a current overview based on cardiovascular risk
Ancona-Vadillo, Ana Elena
Special populations in dyslipidemias: elderly people, children, and patients with chronic kidney disease
Rodríguez-Gilabert, César
Statin treatment. The evidence and role in primary and secondary prevention
Morales-Villegas, Enrique C; Ray, Kausik K
Current treatment beyond statins in hypercholesterolemia: the lower the better in prevention of atherosclerotic diseases
Gómez-Álvarez, Enrique Benito; Alcocer-Chauvet, Alejandro; Hernández-Flores, Kevin René
Present and future of the hypolipidemic treatment, new molecules in sight
Medina, Úrsula; Almendra-Pegueros, Rafael; Gordillo-Moscoso, Antonio
Triglycerides: are they or are they not a cardiovascular risk factor?
Ruiz-Gastelum, Edith; Díaz-Aragón, Alejo; Álvarez-López, Humberto
Approach to hypertriglyceridemia syndromes: the importance of distinguishing between primary and secondary etiologies
Cruz-Bautista, Ivette
Current treatment of hypertriglyceridemia
Álvarez-López, Humberto; Ruiz-Gastelum, Edith; Díaz-Aragón, Alejo
Myocardial infarction as a consequence of atherosclerosis
Moguel-Ancheita, Rafael; Samaniego, Virginia
Coronary atherosclerosis diagnosis by non-invasive studies: echocardiography, computed tomography
Gutiérrez-Fajardo, Pedro; Sierra-Galán, Lilia M
Coronary atherosclerotic disease evaluation by nuclear cardiology procedures: Gate-SPECT and PET myocardial perfusion imaging
Puente-Barragán, Adriana
Diagnostic approach of coronary atherosclerosis through invasive procedures: indications and applications of coronary angiography
Escudero, Xavier; Escudero-Salamanca, Mara; Portillo-Villaseñor, Manuel
The continuous assistance, referral and discharge criteria, implementation barriers
Saturno-Chiu, Guillermo
Hypertension and dyslipidemia
Guerra-López, Arturo
Microbiota: a relationship for life
Nájera, Nayelli; Ceballos, Guillermo; González-Ruiz, Cristian; Meaney, Eduardo
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Science Vol. 32, No. S3, July-September 2021. Es una publicación trimestral editada por la Asociación Nacional de Cardiólogos de México. Magdalena 135. Col. Del Valle. Del. Benito Juárez. Ciudad de México, México. C.P. 03103. Tel. 5556368002
http://www.medigraphic.com/cms ancam@ancam.org.mx
E-mail addresses: revmexcardiol@gmail.com
Editor responsable. Dr. Eduardo Meaney Mendiolea. Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo Nº 04-2019-022717130200-102. ISSN impreso: 2683-2828, ISSN electrónico: 2954-3835. Otorgados por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor. Responsable de la última actualización de este número, Departamento de Internet, Graphimedic, S.A. de C.V., Ing. Luis Rosales Jiménez, Coquimbo 936, Col. Lindavista, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero, C.P. 07300, Ciudad de México, México. Fecha de última modificación, 15 de noviembre de 2024.