2024, Number 1
Are we training quality spine surgeons?
Ortiz García, Gabriel Virgilio
Letter to the Editor
The importance of making the scientific spine societies more visible
Bazán, Pedro Luis
Original articles
Augmented reality as a training tool for minimally invasive spine surgery
Pérez Terrazas, Jorge Alberto; Rivas Toledano, Daniel Sebastián; Alatorre-Flores, Jessica; Padilla-Castañeda, Miguel; Méndez-Viveros, Alejandro; Coronado, Roberto; Ordoñez-Antacahua, Rubén; Camarillo-Juárez, Felipe; Niño-Ortega, Hector
Quality of life after the resection of intradural extramedular tumors through tubular approach
Juárez-Rebollar, Daniel; Vásquez-Gijón, Rodrigo; Ortiz-Mejía, Cuauhtémoc Gil; De la Luz Lagunas, Apolinar; Jaime-Aguirre, Andrés
Evaluation of fluoroscopy-guided percutaneous biopsy as an auxiliary in the diagnosis of post COVID-19 pandemic vertebral destruction syndrome in a medical center of third level of reference
Contreras Zúñiga, Marcos Felipe; González Moga, Amado; Guzmán Carranza, Juan Enrique; Sotelo Mayoral, Iris Jacqueline
Healthy years of life gained after minimal invasive spine surgery in lumbar degenerative disease. Medial-central approach
Malo Camacho, Víctor Hugo; Villarreal Ríos, Enrique; Bañuelos Díaz, Gerardo Enrique; Martínez Velázquez, Víctor Hugo; López Ortega, Luis; Sosa Gallegos, Alejandro; Alva Nájera, Mauricio; Mendoza García, Carlos Alberto; Villarreal García, Enrique
Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, risk factor for cervical fracture: an underdiagnosed disease
Herrera Rodríguez, Oscar Cayetano; Arceo Venegas, Daniel; Jiménez Chávez, Eker Edein; Coria Reyes, José David
Impact of orthopedic management, including spine surgery, on the outcome of patients with prothrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: a clinical perspective
Lira-González, Fidel Ángel; Jiménez-Ávila, José María; Ruiz-Alonso, Pedro Misael; García-Lamas, Lizbeth; García-Hernández, Diana; Guzmán-Silahua, Sandra; Rubio-Jurado, Benjamín; Nava-Zavala, Arnulfo Hernán
Clinical cases
Association between SARS-CoV-2 infection and spondylodiscitis: case report and literature review
Chávez López, José Antonio; Sosa Nájera, Antonio; Chávez Cisneros, Reyna Daena; Cuevas Martínez, Gustavo; Ceja Espinosa, Alejandro; Toledo Villa, Karina; Hernández Bello, Jorge Luis; Méndez Hernández, Alejandra
Parkinson disease spine instrumentation, a chronicle of a death foretold
Rodas Montenegro, Fernando José; Moreno Villegas, César Alan; Ramírez Abrego, Leonel; Sánchez García, Francisco Javier; De Haro Estrada, Jorge Alberto; Tejera Morett, Alejandro; Cruz López, Francisco; Dittmar Johnson, Hernan Michael
Schwannoma; an uncommon cause of lumbosciatica. A literature review and case report
Hinojosa Martínez, Luis Mario; Villalvazo Barón, Andrés
Cirugía de Columna Vol. 2, No. 1, January-March 2024.