2015, Number 1
Perfil obstétrico de adolescentes embarazadas atendidas en un centro de salud urbano de Jalisco, México
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 35-41
PDF size: 520.30 Kb.
Objective: Analyze the sociodemographic characteristics and the obstetric profile of pregnant adolescents treated at the health center No.1 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico to December 2013. Material and Methods: quantitative, descriptive crosssectional study, analyzing data sociodemographic and obstetric teenage registered antenatal listing to December 2013 in the health center No.1 of the Secretariat of health Jalisco; the universe of work was of 48 teenagers, but the sample was of 42 teenagers who agreed to participate under informed consent. The sources of information were medical records, prenatal care card and a survey of five questions on family planning. The data were captured in Excel and analyzed with Epi Info 7, calculating frequencies, percentages and measures of central tendencies. Results Of the 42 adolescents, 69% have high school education or less, 40.5% were single, 59.5% were housewives, 21.4% reported own income, 14.3% home your antenatal care in the third trimester, 90.5% are primigravid, 4.8% had diagnosis of preeclampsia and 54.8% had no HIV detection. The 78.6% reported not using any method of family planning before pregnancy, 35.7% did not their pregnancy and 14.3% thought abortion. Conclusions: Pregnant teens in this study, have similarities in their sociodemographic characteristics and obstetric to other investigations in Mexico and Latin America performance, especially the do not pregnancy despite the non-use of family planning methods, requiring consideration of early sexual maturation, the influence urbanism, media and social networks, but especially unemployment and low education that hinders the construction and consolidation of the project life of the adolescent.REFERENCES
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